Преобразователь температуры Masm32 - Assembler/MASM

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Формулировка задачи:

Доброе времени суток! Я только недавно начал изучать Assembler (Masm32). Вот пытался написать преоброзователь температуры, но возникла ошибка и не понимаю в чем она состоит. Буду благодарен любой помощи в утранении ошибки и объяснениям в чем ошибка заключалась.
.586                                                                    ; Recognise 80x86 instructions that use 32-bit
.MODEL FLAT, STDCALL                                                    ; Generate code for a flat memory model
option casemap :none
.STACK 4096                                                             ; Reserve 4096 bytes for stack operations
ExitProcess proto dwExitCode:dword
GetStdHandle proto :dword
WriteConsoleA proto :dword, :dword, :dword, :dword, :dword
ReadConsoleA  proto :dword, :dword, :dword, :dword, :dword

STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE equ -11                                               ; The standard output device
STD_INPUT_HANDLE equ -10                                                ; The standard output device

    msg_menu1 DB 10,13, '+-------------------------------------------------------+', 10, 13, 
    '|  Welcome to the Basic Temperature Converter  |', 10, 13, 
    '+-------------------------------------------------------+', 10, 13, 0
    attempt DW 0
    promptUserInputNumber       DB 10, 13, 'Please enter your number: ', 0
    promptUserInputOperator     DB 'Please enter your operator: ', 0
    promptForContinue           DB 10, 13, 10, 13, 'Do you want to continue? ', 10, 13, 'Press Y for yes, or N for no: ', 0
    outputHandle    DWORD ?
    bytes_written   DD ?
    inputHandle DWORD ?
    bytes_read  DWORD ?
    buffer_size = 100
    bufferForSign       DB buffer_size dup(?)
    bufferForNumber     DB buffer_size dup(?)
    bufferForSignConf   DB buffer_size dup(?)
    bufferConfirmation  DB buffer_size dup(?)
    sum_string db 10, 13, "Result of your equation is ", 0
    actualNumber DW 0
    result DW 0
    asciiBuf DB 4 dup (" ")
    main PROC                           ; The main function of this program, it is the start point
            cmp attempt, 1                  ; Compare attempt with 1
            je ElseCase                     ; If the result is false, then jump to the ElseCase
            inc attempt                     ; Increase attempt
            call menu                       ; Call the menu finction
            call ask_for_continue           ; Jump to the ask_for_continue function 
    main ENDP
    ask_for_continue PROC                   ; Function for asking user if he/she wants to continue comvertation with different values
        invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
        mov outputHandle, eax
        mov eax, LENGTHOF promptForContinue
        invoke WriteConsoleA, outputHandle, addr promptForContinue, eax, addr bytes_written, 0
        mov eax, 0
        mov eax, bytes_written
        mov eax, 0
        invoke GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE
        mov inputHandle, eax
        invoke ReadConsoleA, inputHandle, addr bufferConfirmation, buffer_size, addr bytes_read, 0

        CMP bufferConfirmation, 'Y'         ; Compare the user's confimation with Y
        JE catch_user_input                 ; If the result is equals to true jump to the catch_user_input function 
        CMP bufferConfirmation, 'y'         ; Compare the user's confimation with y
        JE catch_user_input                 ; If the result is equals to true jump to the catch_user_input function 
        CMP bufferConfirmation, 'N'
        JE finish_program
        CMP bufferConfirmation, 'n'
        JE finish_program
    ask_for_continue ENDP
    menu PROC
        invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
        mov outputHandle, eax
        mov eax, LENGTHOF msg_menu1
        invoke WriteConsoleA, outputHandle, addr msg_menu1, eax, addr bytes_written, 0
        mov eax, 0
        mov eax, bytes_written
        mov eax, 0
        call catch_user_input
    menu ENDP

    catch_user_input PROC
        mov bufferForSign, 0
        mov bufferForNumber, 0
        mov asciiBuf, 0
        mov bufferConfirmation, 0
        mov actualNumber, 0
        invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
        mov outputHandle, eax
        mov eax, LENGTHOF promptUserInputNumber
        invoke WriteConsoleA, outputHandle, addr promptUserInputNumber, eax, addr bytes_written, 0
        mov eax, 0
        mov eax, bytes_written
        mov eax, 0
        invoke GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE
        mov inputHandle, eax
        invoke ReadConsoleA, inputHandle, addr bufferForNumber, buffer_size, addr bytes_read, 0

        invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
        mov outputHandle, eax
        mov eax, LENGTHOF promptUserInputOperator
        invoke WriteConsoleA, outputHandle, addr promptUserInputOperator, eax, addr bytes_written, 0
        mov eax, 0
        mov eax, bytes_written
        mov eax, 0
        invoke GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE
        mov inputHandle, eax
        invoke ReadConsoleA, inputHandle, addr bufferForSign, buffer_size, addr bytes_read, 0
        call convert_ascii_to_numbers
    catch_user_input ENDP
    convert_ascii_to_numbers PROC
            sub bytes_read, 2   ; -2 to remove cr,lf
            mov ebx,0
            mov al, byte ptr bufferForNumber+[ebx] 
            sub al,30h
            add [actualNumber],ax
            inc bx
            cmp ebx,bytes_read
            jz cont
            mov ax,10
            mul [actualNumber]
            mov actualNumber,ax
            mov al, byte ptr bufferForNumber+[ebx] 
            sub al,30h
            add actualNumber,ax 
            jmp getNext 
            call converter
    convert_ascii_to_numbers ENDP       
    converter PROC
        cmp bufferForSign, 'F'
        je celsius_to_fahrenheit
        cmp bufferForSign, 'f'
        je celsius_to_fahrenheit
        cmp bufferForSign, 'C'
        je fahrenheit_to_celsius
        cmp bufferForSign, 'c'
        je fahrenheit_to_celsius
            ; Convert celsius to fahrenheit according to this formula: f = c * 9 / 5 + 32
            mov ax, 0                   ; Move 0 to ax (ax = 0)
            mov bx, 0                   ; Move 0 to bx (bx = 0) 
            mov ax, actualNumber        ; Move actualNumber to ax (ax = user's input)
            mov bx, 9                   ; Move 9 to bx (bx = 9)
            mul bx                      ; Multiply ax by bx (ax*bx; ax = multiplication result)
            mov bx, 0                   ; Move 0 to bx (bx = 0) 
            mov bx, 5                   ; Move 5 to bx (bx = 5)
            div bx                      ; Divide ax by bx (ax/bx; ax = result of division)
            add ax, 32                  ; Add 32 to ax (ax + 32)
            mov result, ax              ; Move the value of ax to result
            call convert_numbers_to_ascii
            ; Convert fahrenheit to celsius according to this formula: c = (f - 32) * 5 / 9
            mov ax, 0                   ; Move 0 to ax (ax = 0)
            mov bx, 0                   ; Move 0 to bx (bx = 0) 
            mov ax, actualNumber        ; Move actualNumber to ax (ax = user's input)
            mov bx, 32                  ; Move 32 to bx (bx = 32)
            sub ax, bx
            mov bx, 0
            mov bx, 5
            mul bx
            mov bx, 0
            mov bx, 9
            mov ah, 0
            div bx
            ;shl ax, cl  
            mov result, ax
        call convert_numbers_to_ascii
    converter ENDP
    convert_numbers_to_ascii PROC
            invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
            mov outputHandle, eax
            mov eax,LENGTHOF sum_string 
            invoke WriteConsoleA, outputHandle, addr sum_string, eax, addr bytes_written, 0
            mov ax,[result]
            mov cl,10
            mov ebx,3
            div cl
            add ah,30h
            mov byte ptr asciiBuf+[ebx],ah
            dec ebx
            mov ah,0
            cmp al,0
            ja nextNum
            mov eax,4
            invoke WriteConsoleA, outputHandle, addr asciiBuf, eax, addr bytes_written, 0
            call main
    convert_numbers_to_ascii ENDP
    finish_program PROC     
        invoke ExitProcess, 0
    finish_program ENDP
END main

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14   голосов , оценка 4.286 из 5