Надо розобраться с методом рунге-кутта 4-порядка точности - C (СИ)
Формулировка задачи:
Подскажите что я делаю не так ? Скорей всего всё , ну тем не менее подскажите .
Мне нужен метод рунге-кутта 4-порядка , для колебательных систем , типа джойнтов ,
гармонических осцилляторов , и,т,д?
Вот код , в котором я пытался добиться простого линейного перемещения с ускорением
методом рунге-кутта 4-порядка точности !
Ну короче временная функция которую мы интегрируем
методом рунге-кутта 4-порядка должна перемещать точку с ускорением?
P.S: код частично взят с википедии, и , не много переделаный!
//============================================================================ // Name : RK4.cpp // Author : werasaimon // Version : // Copyright : Your copyright notice // Description : Hello World in C++, Ansi-style //============================================================================ #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; struct State { State( float _pos = 0 , float _vel = 0 ) : pos(_pos) , vel(_vel){} float pos; float vel; }; //float accel(float x, float v, float dt) //{ // float stiffness = 1; // float damping = -0.005; // return -stiffness*x - damping*v; //} float acceleration = 0.2; float accel( float pos , float vel , float _dt ) { return /*acceleration*/ vel * _dt;/*pos + vel * _dt*/; } typedef float (* vFunctionCall)(float x, float v, float dt); State RK4(float x, float v, float dt , vFunctionCall accel) { float x1 = x; float v1 = v; float a1 = accel(x1, v1, 0); float x2 = x + 0.5*v1*dt; float v2 = v + 0.5*a1*dt; float a2 = accel(x2, v2, dt/2.0); float x3 = x + 0.5*v2*dt; float v3 = v + 0.5*a2*dt; float a3 = accel(x3, v3, dt/2.0); float x4 = x + v3*dt; float v4 = v + a3*dt; float a4 = accel(x4, v4, dt); float xf = x + (dt/6.0)*(v1 + 2*v2 + 2*v3 + v4); float vf = v + (dt/6.0)*(a1 + 2*a2 + 2*a3 + a4); return State( xf, vf ); } int main() { float t = 0; float dt = 1.0/60;// # Timestep of 1/60 second State state(10, 5);// # Position, velocity State euler(10, 5);// # For comparison with Euler integration printf( "Initial position: %f, velocity: %f \n" , state.pos , state.vel ); while( t < 10 ) { t += dt; state = RK4( state.pos, state.vel, dt , accel); euler = State( euler.pos + euler.vel*dt , euler.vel + accel(euler.pos,euler.vel,dt)*dt ); printf( "Final RK4 position: %f, velocity: %f \n" , state.pos , state.vel ); printf( "Final Euler position: %f, velocity: %f \n\n\n" , euler.pos , euler.vel ); } return 0; }
Решение задачи: «Надо розобраться с методом рунге-кутта 4-порядка точности»
Листинг программы
TPhysicsGridSimulate( const Vector3& _gravity ) : mGravity(_gravity) { } void Solver( int const& Step ) { const float TensionConstant = 600.f; const float TensionDampingConstant = 2.0f; // Add gravity, store velocity for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mParticles.size(); ++i ) { if( mParticles[i]->mType == DYNAMIC ) mParticles[i]->mForces[Step] = mGravity; if( mParticles[i]->mType == DYNAMIC ) mParticles[i]->mVels[Step] = mParticles[i]->mSimVelocity; } /**/ // Then further in Forces [Step] it is necessary to throw all the forces acting on particles. // Below, for example, the forces of springs are added. // Add spring forces for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mJoints.size(); ++i ) { TParticle *PParticle1 = mJoints[i]->Particle1; TParticle *PParticle2 = mJoints[i]->Particle2; Vector3 PosDelta = PParticle1->mSimPosition - PParticle2->mSimPosition; Vector3 VelDelta = PParticle1->mSimVelocity - PParticle2->mSimVelocity; float Dist = PosDelta.length(); if( fabs(Dist) > EPSILON ) { float F = -(TensionConstant * (Dist - mJoints[i]->mIdealDist) + TensionDampingConstant * ((PosDelta.dot(VelDelta)) / Dist)); Vector3 Force = PosDelta / Dist * F; //mJoints[i]->mAccumulated[Step] += Force; if( PParticle1->mType == DYNAMIC ) PParticle1->mForces[Step] = PParticle1->mForces[Step] + Force * PParticle1->mMassInverse; if( PParticle2->mType == DYNAMIC ) PParticle2->mForces[Step] = PParticle2->mForces[Step] - Force * PParticle2->mMassInverse; float relax = 1.0 - mJoints[i]->mRelaxation; PParticle1->mVels[Step] = PParticle1->mVels[Step] * relax; PParticle2->mVels[Step] = PParticle2->mVels[Step] * relax; } } /**/ } void UpdateRungeKutta4(float TimeStep) { int iter_rk4 = 0; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mParticles.size(); ++i ) { TParticle *Part = mParticles[i]; Part->mSimPosition = Part->mPosition; Part->mSimVelocity = Part->mVelocity; } Solver(iter_rk4); iter_rk4++; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mParticles.size(); ++i ) { TParticle *Part = mParticles[i]; Part->mSimPosition = Part->mPosition + (Part->mVels[0] * TimeStep/2); Part->mSimVelocity = Part->mVelocity + (Part->mForces[0] * TimeStep/2); } Solver(iter_rk4); iter_rk4++; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mParticles.size(); ++i ) { TParticle *Part = mParticles[i]; Part->mSimPosition = Part->mPosition + (Part->mVels[1] * TimeStep/2); Part->mSimVelocity = Part->mVelocity + (Part->mForces[1] * TimeStep/2); } Solver(iter_rk4); iter_rk4++; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mParticles.size(); ++i ) { TParticle *Part = mParticles[i]; Part->mSimPosition = Part->mPosition + (Part->mVels[2] * TimeStep); Part->mSimVelocity = Part->mVelocity + (Part->mForces[2] * TimeStep); } Solver(iter_rk4); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mParticles.size(); ++i ) { TParticle *Part = mParticles[i]; if(Part->mType == DYNAMIC) { Part->mPosition = RungeKuttaSum(Part->mPosition, Part->mVels[0], Part->mVels[1], Part->mVels[2], Part->mVels[3], TimeStep); Part->mVelocity = RungeKuttaSum(Part->mVelocity, Part->mForces[0], Part->mForces[1], Part->mForces[2], Part->mForces[3], TimeStep); } } } static Vector3 RungeKuttaSum(const Vector3& Pos, const Vector3& K1,const Vector3& K2, const Vector3& K3, const Vector3& K4 , float const& TimeStep) { return Pos + (K1 + K2 * 2.0 + K3 * 2.0 + K4) * TimeStep / 6.f; }
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