Алгоритм Кнута-Морриса-Пратта: Подсчитайте количество сравнений, требуемых при поиске образца без повторений - C#
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using System; using System.IO; namespace justForFun { class MainClass { public static void Main (string[] args) { Console.WriteLine( "Input filepath and press enter" ); string filePath = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Input searched string" ); string pattern = Console.ReadLine(); string text = ""; try { text = File.ReadAllText( filePath ); } catch( FileNotFoundException exception ) { Console.WriteLine("File " + filePath + " not found" ); Console.ReadLine(); return; } try { int position = FindSubstring( text, pattern ); Console.WriteLine(position); } catch(ArgumentException exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } Console.ReadLine(); } private static int FindSubstring (string input, string pattern) { int n = input.Length; int m = pattern.Length; if (0 == n) throw new ArgumentException ("String mustn't be empty", "input"); if (0 == m) throw new ArgumentException ("String mustn't be empty", "pattern"); int[] d = GetPrefixFunction (pattern); int i, j; for (i = 0,j = 0; (i < n) && (j < m); i++,j++) while ((j >= 0) && (pattern[j] != input[i])) j = d[j]; if (j == m) return i - j; else return -1; } private static int[] GetPrefixFunction (string pattern) { int length = pattern.Length; int[] result = new int[length]; int i = 0; int j = -1; result[0] = -1; while (i < length - 1) { while ((j >= 0) && (pattern[j] != pattern[i])) j = result[j]; i++; j++; if (pattern[i] == pattern[j]) result[i] = result[j]; else result[i] = j; } return result; } } }
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