Анализатор формул (с Delphi на C#)
Формулировка задачи:
Помогите пожалуйста перевести данный код на c#. Сложность вызывают вложенные функции, а также вложенный тип func: (...)
Вот код на Delphi:
function Recogn(st: String; var Num: Extended): Boolean; const pogr = 1E-50; var p, p1: Integer; i, j: Integer; v1, v2: Extended; func: (fNone, fSin, fCos, fTg, fCtg, fSh, fCh, fTh, fCth, fArcsin, fArccos, fArctg, fArcctg, fArsh, fArch, fArth, fArcth, fAbs, fLn, fLg, flog, fExp); Sign: Integer; s: String; s1: String; function FindLeftValue(p: Integer; var Margin: Integer; var Value: Extended): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin i := p - 1; repeat i := i - 1 until (i <= 0) or (s[i] = '#'); Margin := i; try Value := StrToFloat(copy(s, i + 1, p - i - 2)); Result := True; except Result := False end; delete(s, i, p - i); end; function FindRightValue(p: Integer; var Value: Extended): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin i := p + 1; repeat i := i + 1 until (i > Length(s)) or (s[i] = '#'); i := i - 1; s1 := copy(s, p + 2, i - p - 1); Result := TextToFloat(PWideChar(s1), value, fvExtended); delete(s, p + 1, i - p + 1); end; procedure PutValue(p: Integer; NewValue: Extended); begin insert('#' + FloatToStr(v1) + '#', s, p); end; begin Result := False; s := st; // () p := pos('(', s); while p > 0 do begin i := p; j := 1; repeat i := i + 1; if s[i] = '(' then j := j + 1; if s[i] = ')' then j := j - 1; until (i > Length(s)) or (j <= 0); if i > Length(s) then s := s + ')'; if Recogn(copy(s, p + 1, i - p - 1), v1) = False then Exit; delete(s, p, i - p + 1); PutValue(p, v1); p := pos('(', s); end; // sin, cos, tg, ctg, sh, ch, th, cth, arcsin, arccos, arctg, arcctg, arsh, arch, // arth, arcth, abs, ln, lg, log2, exp repeat func := fNone; p1 := pos('sin', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fSin; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('cos', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fCos; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('tg', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fTg; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('ctg', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fCtg; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('sh', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fSh; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('ch', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fCh; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('th', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fTh; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('cth', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fCth; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('arcsin', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fArcsin; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('arccos', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fArccos; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('arctg', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fArctg; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('arcctg', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fArcctg; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('arsh', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fArsh; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('arch', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fArch; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('arth', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fArth; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('arcth', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fArcth; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('abs', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fAbs; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('ln', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fLn; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('lg', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fLg; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('log', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := flog; p := p1; end; p1 := pos('e', s); if p1 > 0 then begin func := fExp; p := p1; end; if func = fNone then break; case func of fExp: i := p; fSh, fCh, fTh: i := p + 1; fSin, fCos, fCtg, fAbs, flog, fCth: i := p + 2; fArsh, fArch, fArth: i := p + 3; fArctg, fArcth: i := p + 4; fArcsin, fArccos, fArcctg: i := p + 5; else i := p + 1; end; if FindRightValue(i, v1) = false then Exit; delete(s, p, i - p + 1); case func of fSin: v1 := sin(v1); fCos: v1 := cos(v1); fTg: begin if abs(cos(v1)) < pogr then Exit; v1 := sin(v1) / cos(v1); end; fCtg: begin if abs(sin(v1)) < pogr then Exit; v1 := cos(v1) / sin(v1); end; fSh: v1 := (exp(v1) - exp(-v1)) / 2; fCh: v1 := (exp(v1) + exp(-v1)) / 2; fTh: v1 := (exp(2 * v1) - 1) / (exp(2 * v1) + 1); fCth: v1 := (exp(2 * v1) + 1) / (exp(2 * v1) - 1); fArcsin: begin if Abs(v1) > 1 then Exit; v1 := arcsin(v1); end; fArccos: begin if abs(v1) > 1 then Exit; v1 := arccos(v1); end; fArctg: v1 := arctan(v1); fArcctg: v1 := Pi / 2 - arctan(v1); fArsh: v1 := ln(v1 + sqrt(v1 * v1 + 1)); fArch: begin if v1 < 1 then Exit; v1 := ln(v1 + sqrt(v1 * v1 - 1)); end; fArth: begin if (((1 + v1) <= 0) or ((1 - v1) <= 0)) then Exit; v1 := 0.5 * ln((1 + v1) / (1 - v1)); end; fArcth: begin if (((v1 + 1) <= 0) or ((v1 - 1) <= 0)) then Exit; v1 := 0.5 * ln((v1 + 1) / (v1 - 1)); end; fAbs: v1 := abs(v1); fLn: begin if v1 < pogr then Exit; v1 := Ln(v1); end; fLg: begin if v1 < pogr then Exit; v1 := Log10(v1); end; fLog: begin if v1 < pogr then Exit; v1 := Log2(v1); end; fExp: v1 := exp(v1); end; PutValue(p, v1); until func = fNone; // power p := pos('^', s); while p > 0 do begin if FindRightValue(p, v2) = False then Exit; if FindLeftValue(p, i, v1) = False then Exit; if (v1 < 0) and (abs(Frac(v2)) > pogr) then Exit; if (abs(v1) < pogr) and (v2 < 0) then Exit; delete(s, i, 1); v1 := Power(v1, v2); PutValue(i, v1); p := pos('^', s); end; // *, / p := pos('*', s); p1 := pos('/', s); if (p1 > 0) and ((p1 < p) or (p <= 0)) then p := p1; while p > 0 do begin if FindRightValue(p, v2) = False then Exit; if FindLeftValue(p, i, v1) = False then Exit; if s[i] = '*' then v1 := v1 * v2 else begin if abs(v2) < pogr then Exit; v1 := v1 / v2; end; delete(s, i, 1); PutValue(i, v1); p := pos('*', s); p1 := pos('/', s); if (p1 > 0) and ((p1 < p) or (p <= 0)) then p := p1; end; // +, - Num := 0; repeat Sign := 1; while (Length(s) > 0) and (s[1] <> '#') do begin if s[1] = '-' then Sign := -Sign else if s[1] <> '+' then Exit; delete(s, 1, 1); end; if FindRightValue(0, v1) = false then Exit; if Sign < 0 then Num := Num - v1 else Num := Num + v1; until Length(s) <= 0; Result := true; end;
Решение задачи: «Анализатор формул (с Delphi на C#)»
Листинг программы
... Result := TextToFloat(PWideChar(s1), value, fvExtended); ...
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