Генетический алгоритм. Реализация популяции - C#
Формулировка задачи:
Здравствуйте. У меня стоит задача создать приложение, демонстрирующее работу генетического алгоритма. Суть, вроде, уловил. Но возникли сложности при реализации отбора особей. Я пытался использовать несколько двумерных массивов(один массив - особи первого/предыдущего поколения, другой - новое), но выходило слишком громоздко, непонятно. Попросил помочь преподавателя. Он сказал, что нужно использовать принцип ООП, в частности, классы и объекты(каждый объект - это отдельный вид). Нашел в сети программу по теме, но там использовались классы от классов, интерфейсы и собственные пространства, в чем я пока не силен. Мне нужно что-то похожее на решение данной задачи, и наставления и советы как правильно стоит использовать объекты, классы. Очень уж долго сам старался разобраться.
Кратко о функционале: пользователь может выбирать один из двух способов скрещивания и селекции, указывать размер популяции, диапазоны значений, проценты мутаций и скрещивания.
P. S. Также преподаватель сказал, что с классами и объектами работать проще, чем с абстрактными числами. Мне несколько непонятен смысл данного высказывания.
Решение задачи: «Генетический алгоритм. Реализация популяции»
Листинг программы
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections; namespace ConsoleApplication { class Program { private static Random rand = new Random(); public delegate double GAFunction(double[] values); //Use the Visual C\# built-in random number generator //generator or one of your own choosing here. This section //was commented out because there is already a global //instantiation of a random class object that was //initialized ealier in this demonstration file. //private static Random rand = new Random(); //A Genetic Algorithm class public class GA { public double MutationRate; public double CrossoverRate; public int ChromosomeLength; public int PopulationSize; public int GenerationSize; public double TotalFitness; public bool Elitism; private ArrayList CurrentGenerationList; private ArrayList NextGenerationList; private ArrayList FitnessList; static private GAFunction getFitness; public GAFunction FitnessFunction { get { return getFitness; } set { getFitness = value; } } //Constructor with user specified crossover rate, //mutation rate, population size, generation size //and chromosome length. public GA(double XoverRate, double mutRate, int popSize, int genSize, int ChromLength) { Elitism = false; MutationRate = mutRate; CrossoverRate = XoverRate; PopulationSize = popSize; GenerationSize = genSize; ChromosomeLength = ChromLength; } // Method which starts the GA executing. public void LaunchGA() { //Create the arrays to hold the fitness, //current and next generation lists FitnessList = new ArrayList(); CurrentGenerationList = new ArrayList(GenerationSize); NextGenerationList = new ArrayList(GenerationSize); //and initilize the mutation rate. Chromosome.ChromosomeMutationRate = MutationRate; //Create the initial chromosome population by repeatedly //calling the user supplied fitness function for (int i = 0; i < PopulationSize; i++) { Chromosome g = new Chromosome(ChromosomeLength, true); CurrentGenerationList.Add(g); } //Rank the initial chromosome population RankPopulation(); //Loop through the entire generation size creating //and evaluating generations of new chromosomes. for (int i = 0; i < GenerationSize; i++) { CreateNextGeneration(); RankPopulation(); } } //After ranking all the chromosomes by fitness, use a //"roulette wheel" selection method that allocates a large //probability of being selected to those chromosomes with the //highest fitness. That is, preference in the selection process //is biased towards those chromosomes exhibiting highest fitness. private int RouletteSelection() { double randomFitness = rand.NextDouble() * TotalFitness; int idx = -1; int mid; int first = 0; int last = PopulationSize - 1; mid = (last - first) / 2; while (idx == -1 && first <= last) { if (randomFitness < (double)FitnessList[mid]) { last = mid; } else if (randomFitness > (double)FitnessList[mid]) { first = mid; } mid = (first + last) / 2; if ((last - first) == 1) idx = last; } return idx; } // Rank population and then sort it in order of fitness. private void RankPopulation() { TotalFitness = 0; for (int i = 0; i < PopulationSize; i++) { Chromosome g = ((Chromosome)CurrentGenerationList[i]); g.ChromosomeFitness = FitnessFunction(g.ChromosomeGenes); TotalFitness += g.ChromosomeFitness; } CurrentGenerationList.Sort(new ChromosomeComparer()); double fitness = 0.0; FitnessList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < PopulationSize; i++) { fitness += ((Chromosome)CurrentGenerationList[i]).ChromosomeFitness; FitnessList.Add((double)fitness); } } //Create a new generation of chromosomes. There are many //different ways to do this. The basic idea used here is //to first check to see if the elitist flag has been set. //If so, then copy the chromosomes from this generation //to the next before looping through the entire chromosome //population spawning and mutating children. Finally, if the //elitism flag has been set, then copy the best chromosomes //to the new population. private void CreateNextGeneration() { NextGenerationList.Clear(); Chromosome g = null; if (Elitism) g = (Chromosome)CurrentGenerationList[PopulationSize - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < PopulationSize; i += 2) { int pidx1 = RouletteSelection(); int pidx2 = RouletteSelection(); Chromosome parent1, parent2, child1, child2; parent1 = ((Chromosome)CurrentGenerationList[pidx1]); parent2 = ((Chromosome)CurrentGenerationList[pidx2]); if (rand.NextDouble() < CrossoverRate) { parent1.Crossover(ref parent2, out child1, out child2); } else { child1 = parent1; child2 = parent2; } child1.Mutate(); child2.Mutate(); NextGenerationList.Add(child1); NextGenerationList.Add(child2); } if (Elitism && g != null) NextGenerationList[0] = g; CurrentGenerationList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < PopulationSize; i++) CurrentGenerationList.Add(NextGenerationList[i]); } //Extract the best values based on fitness from the current generation. //Since the ranking process already sorted the latest current generation //list, just pluck out the best values from the current generation list. public void GetBestValues(out double[] values, out double fitness) { Chromosome g = ((Chromosome)CurrentGenerationList[PopulationSize - 1]); values = new double[g.ChromosomeLength]; g.ExtractChromosomeValues(ref values); fitness = (double)g.ChromosomeFitness; } } public class Chromosome { public double[] ChromosomeGenes; public int ChromosomeLength; public double ChromosomeFitness; public static double ChromosomeMutationRate; //Chromosome class constructor //Actual functionality is to set up an array //called ChromosomeGenes and depending on the //boolean flag createGenes, it may or may not //fill this array with random values from 0 to 1 //up to some specified ChromosomeLength public Chromosome(int length, bool createGenes) { ChromosomeLength = length; ChromosomeGenes = new double[length]; if (createGenes) { for (int i = 0; i < ChromosomeLength; i++) ChromosomeGenes[i] = rand.NextDouble(); } } //Creates two offspring children using a single crossover point. //The basic idea is to first pick a random position, create two //children and then swap their genes starting from the randomly //picked position point. public void Crossover(ref Chromosome Chromosome2, out Chromosome child1, out Chromosome child2) { int position = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * (double)ChromosomeLength); child1 = new Chromosome(ChromosomeLength, false); child2 = new Chromosome(ChromosomeLength, false); for (int i = 0; i < ChromosomeLength; i++) { if (i < position) { child1.ChromosomeGenes[i] = ChromosomeGenes[i]; child2.ChromosomeGenes[i] = Chromosome2.ChromosomeGenes[i]; } else { child1.ChromosomeGenes[i] = Chromosome2.ChromosomeGenes[i]; child2.ChromosomeGenes[i] = ChromosomeGenes[i]; } } } //Mutates the chromosome genes by randomly switching them around public void Mutate() { for (int position = 0; position < ChromosomeLength; position++) { if (rand.NextDouble() < ChromosomeMutationRate) ChromosomeGenes[position] = (ChromosomeGenes[position] + rand.NextDouble()) / 2.0; } } //Extracts the chromosome values public void ExtractChromosomeValues(ref double[] values) { for (int i = 0; i < ChromosomeLength; i++) values[i] = ChromosomeGenes[i]; } } //Compares two chromosomes by their fitness values public sealed class ChromosomeComparer : IComparer { public int Compare(object x, object y) { if (!(x is Chromosome) || !(y is Chromosome)) throw new ArgumentException("Not of type Chromosome"); if (((Chromosome)x).ChromosomeFitness > ((Chromosome)y).ChromosomeFitness) return 1; else if (((Chromosome)x).ChromosomeFitness == ((Chromosome)y).ChromosomeFitness) return 0; else return -1; } } public static double GenAlgTestFcn(double[] values) { if (values.GetLength(0) != 2) throw new Exception("should only have 2 args"); double x = values[0]; double y = values[1]; return (15 * x * y * (1 - x) * (1 - y) * Math.Sin(Math.PI * x) * Math.Sin(Math.PI * y)); } static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("\nFinding global optimum values to the function:\n"); Console.WriteLine("f(x,y) = 15xy(1-x)(1-y)sin(pi*x)sin(pi*y)\n"); Console.WriteLine("by using a genetic algorithm with initial parameters: \n"); Console.WriteLine("Crossover\t=80%"); Console.WriteLine("Mutation\t=5%"); Console.WriteLine("Population size\t=100"); Console.WriteLine("Generations\t=2000"); Console.WriteLine("Chromosome size\t=2\n"); Console.WriteLine("Actual max values are: x_max = 0.5 and y_max = 0.5\n"); GA ga = new GA(0.8, 0.05, 100, 2000, 2); ga.FitnessFunction = new GAFunction(GenAlgTestFcn); ga.Elitism = true; ga.LaunchGA(); double[] values; double fitness; ga.GetBestValues(out values, out fitness); Console.WriteLine("Calculated max values are: \nx_max = {0} \ny_max = {1}\n", values[0], values[1]); Console.WriteLine("f(x_max,y_max) = f({0},{1}) = {2}", values[0], values[1], fitness); Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to continue program"); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
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