Перевод кода с UnityScript на C#
Формулировка задачи:
Помогите пожалуйста перевести этот скрипт на шарп. Я уже несколько дней по разному пытаюсь, но постоянно какие то проблемы с функциями. Помогите плиз.
var acceleration : float = 3; //Acceleration factor var deceleration : float = -3; //Deceleration factor var currentVel : float = 0; //Current Velocity var maxVel : float = 5; //Maxim Velocity var maxVelReverse : float = -3; //Maxim Reverse Velocity var rotationVel : float = 40; //Rotation Speed var currentRotation : float = 0; //Current Rotation var wheelFrontLeft : Transform; var wheelFrontRight : Transform; var wheelBackLeft : Transform; var wheelBackRight : Transform; function rotateLeftOruga(speed : float){ wheelFrontLeft.transform.Rotate(speed,0,0); wheelBackLeft.transform.Rotate(speed,0,0); } function rotateRightOruga(speed : float){ wheelFrontRight.transform.Rotate(speed,0,0); wheelBackRight.transform.Rotate(speed,0,0); } function Update () { //Play the motor sound at the correct Pitch audio.pitch = Mathf.Abs(currentVel / maxVel) + 1 ; //Move the Tank at the Current Velocity transform.Translate(Vector3(0,0,currentVel * Time.deltaTime)); //Wheels Animations at the Current Velocity rotateLeftOruga(currentVel); rotateRightOruga(currentVel); //Go Forward if(Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0){ if(currentVel < 0){ Stop(); } else if(currentVel < maxVel){ currentVel = Accelerate("forward"); } else{ currentVel = maxVel; } } //Go Backward if(Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < 0){ if(currentVel > 0){ Stop(); } else if(currentVel > maxVelReverse){ currentVel = Accelerate("backward"); } else{ currentVel = maxVelReverse; } } //Go to the Left if(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") < 0){ rotateLeftOruga(-currentVel - 1); rotateRightOruga(currentVel + 1); currentRotation = Spin("left"); transform.Rotate(Vector3(0,currentRotation * Time.deltaTime,0)); } //Go to the Right if(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") > 0){ rotateLeftOruga(currentVel + 1); rotateRightOruga(-currentVel - 1); currentRotation = Spin("right"); transform.Rotate(Vector3(0,currentRotation * Time.deltaTime,0)); } } // Tank Control Function: Accelerate function Accelerate(Direccion : String){ if(Direccion == "forward"){ currentVel += acceleration * Time.deltaTime; } if(Direccion == "backward"){ currentVel += deceleration * Time.deltaTime; } return currentVel; } // Tank Control Function: Stop function Stop(){ if(currentVel > 0){ currentVel += deceleration * 3 * Time.deltaTime; } else{ currentVel += acceleration * 3 * Time.deltaTime; } return currentVel; } // Tank Control Function: Spin function Spin(Direccion : String){ if(Direccion == "left"){ currentRotation = -rotationVel -currentVel; } if(Direccion == "right"){ currentRotation = rotationVel + currentVel; } return currentRotation; }
Решение задачи: «Перевод кода с UnityScript на C#»
Листинг программы
void Accelerate(string Direccion) { if (Direccion == "forward") { currentVel += acceleration * Time.deltaTime; } if (Direccion == "backward") { currentVel += deceleration * Time.deltaTime; } return currentVel; }
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