Скрыть процесс с диспетчера задач - C#
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public class ProcessRunner { #region "API imports" private const int DBG_CONTINUE = 0x00010002; private const int DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED = unchecked((int) 0x80010001); private enum DebugEventType : int { CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT = 3, //Reports a create-process debugging event. The value of u.CreateProcessInfo specifies a CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_INFO structure. CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT = 2, //Reports a create-thread debugging event. The value of u.CreateThread specifies a CREATE_THREAD_DEBUG_INFO structure. EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT = 1, //Reports an exception debugging event. The value of u.Exception specifies an EXCEPTION_DEBUG_INFO structure. EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT = 5, //Reports an exit-process debugging event. The value of u.ExitProcess specifies an EXIT_PROCESS_DEBUG_INFO structure. EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_EVENT = 4, //Reports an exit-thread debugging event. The value of u.ExitThread specifies an EXIT_THREAD_DEBUG_INFO structure. LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT = 6, //Reports a load-dynamic-link-library (DLL) debugging event. The value of u.LoadDll specifies a LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO structure. OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_EVENT = 8, //Reports an output-debugging-string debugging event. The value of u.DebugString specifies an OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_INFO structure. RIP_EVENT = 9, //Reports a RIP-debugging event (system debugging error). The value of u.RipInfo specifies a RIP_INFO structure. UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT = 7, //Reports an unload-DLL debugging event. The value of u.UnloadDll specifies an UNLOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO structure. } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] private struct DEBUG_EVENT { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public DebugEventType dwDebugEventCode; public int dwProcessId; public int dwThreadId; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 1024)] public byte[] bytes; } [DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern bool DebugActiveProcess(int dwProcessId); [DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern bool WaitForDebugEvent([Out] out DEBUG_EVENT lpDebugEvent, int dwMilliseconds); [DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern bool ContinueDebugEvent(int dwProcessId, int dwThreadId, int dwContinueStatus); [DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool IsDebuggerPresent(); #endregion public Process ChildProcess { get; set; } public bool StartProcess(string fileName) { var processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(fileName) { UseShellExecute = false, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, ErrorDialog = false }; this.ChildProcess = Process.Start(processStartInfo); if (ChildProcess == null) return false; new Thread(NullDebugger) {IsBackground = true}.Start(ChildProcess.Id); return true; } private void NullDebugger(object arg) { // Attach to the process we provided the thread as an argument if (DebugActiveProcess((int) arg)) { var debugEvent = new DEBUG_EVENT {bytes = new byte[1024]}; while (!this.ChildProcess.HasExited) { if (WaitForDebugEvent(out debugEvent, 1000)) { // return DBG_CONTINUE for all events but the exception type var continueFlag = DBG_CONTINUE; if (debugEvent.dwDebugEventCode == DebugEventType.EXCEPTION_DEBUG_EVENT) continueFlag = DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED; ContinueDebugEvent(debugEvent.dwProcessId, debugEvent.dwThreadId, continueFlag); } } } else { //we were not able to attach the debugger //do the processes have the same bitness? //throw ApplicationException("Unable to attach debugger") // Kill child? // Send Event? // Ignore? } } }
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