Lisp Крестики Нолики

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Формулировка задачи:

Друзья просьба помочь : есть код, но где-то закралась ошибка пишет "Не сбалансированы скобки S-выражения" Не могу запустить на Homelisp ее
(defpackage :xo (:use :cl) (:export :start-game)) (in-package :xo) (defvar *game-space* (make-array '(3 3))) (defvar *turns-history*) (defmacro other-player (who) `(if (eql ,who :X) :0 :X)) (defmacro first-possible (&rest forms) (if forms `(if ,(car forms) ,(car forms) (first-possible ,@(cdr forms))))) (defvar *printing* t) (defvar *ai* nil) ;;; Printing section ;;; (defun print-game-space () (princ " - 1 - 2 - 3 -") ;; X indexes (princ #\Newline) (princ "- -------------") (loop for i upto 2 doing (princ #\Newline) (princ (+ 1 i)) (princ " |") ;; Y indexes (loop for j upto 2 doing (format t " ~a |" (first-possible (aref *game-space* i j) " "))) (princ #\Newline) (princ "- -------------")) (princ #\Newline) nil)( (defun print-turns-history () (princ #\Newline) (princ "The turns were:") (princ #\Newline) (let ((who :X)) (loop for i upto 9 for (x y) in (reverse *turns-history*) doing (format t "~d. The ~a turn was: x - ~d, y - ~d.~%" (+ i 1) who (+ x 1) (+ y 1)) (setf who (other-player who))))) (defun win (who &optional technical) (when *printing* (print-game-space) (format t "~a is winner!" who) (if technical (progn (princ " Technical victory!") nil) (print-turns-history))) (list who technical)) (defun draw () (when *printing* (print-game-space) (princ "Draw! Nobody wins.") (print-turns-history)) nil) ;;; end Printing section ;;; ;;; AI section ;;; (defun ensure-row (how-many who row) (if (= how-many (loop for i upto 2 summing (if (eql who (elt (second row) i)) 1 (if (eql (other-player who) (elt (second row) i)) -2 0)))) (first row))) (defun row (game-space n &optional (column nil)) (let ((indexes (loop for i to 2 collecting (list (if column n i) (if column i n))))) (list indexes (loop for i in indexes collecting (aref game-space (first i) (second i)))))) (defun diagonal (game-space &optional (minus nil)) (let ((indexes (loop for i to 2 collecting (list (if minus (- 2 i) i) i)))) (list indexes (loop for index in indexes collecting (aref game-space (first index) (second index)))))) (defun search-for-all-empties (list-of-cells game-space) (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (null (aref game-space (first x) (second x)))) list-of-cells)) (defun the-most-frequent (minimum &rest lists) (let ((great-list (apply #'concatenate 'list lists))) (nth (first-possible (position (if (<= minimum (loop for cell in great-list maximize (count cell great-list :test #'equal))) (loop for cell in great-list maximize (count cell great-list :test #'equal)) nil) (loop for cell in great-list collecting (count cell great-list :test #'equal))) 99) great-list))) (defun whole-space (game-space) (concatenate 'list (first (row game-space 0)) (first (row game-space 1)) (first (row game-space 2)))) (defun all-space (game-space) (list (row game-space 0) (row game-space 1) (row game-space 2) (row game-space 0 t) (row game-space 1 t) (row game-space 2 t) (diagonal game-space) (diagonal game-space t))) (defun ai-find-turn (who game-space &optional aim) (cond ((eql aim :win) (setf aim 2)) ((eql aim :trapping) (setf aim 1)) (t (setf aim 0))) (search-for-all-empties (apply #'concatenate 'list (remove-if #'null (loop for row in (all-space game-space) collecting (ensure-row aim who row)))) game-space)) (defun ai-find-good-turn (who game-space) ;; this is bad (first-possible (the-most-frequent 1 (ai-find-turn who game-space :trapping) (ai-find-turn who game-space) (ai-find-turn who game-space)))) (defun ai-find-trap (who game-space &optional of-enemy) ;; this is better (if of-enemy (setf who (other-player who))) (first-possible (the-most-frequent (if of-enemy 3 2) (ai-find-turn who game-space :trapping) (if of-enemy ;; to block a trap with attack (ai-find-turn (other-player who) game-space :trapping))))) (defun ai-find-any (game-space) (search-for-all-empties (whole-space game-space) game-space)) (defun ai (who game-space level) (first-possible (if (> level 0) (car (ai-find-turn who game-space :win))) (if (> level 1) (car (ai-find-turn (other-player who) game-space :win))) (if (> level 3) (ai-find-trap who game-space)) (if (> level 4) (ai-find-trap who game-space t)) (if (> level 2) (ai-find-good-turn who game-space)) (first (ai-find-any game-space)))) ;;; end AI section ;;; ;;; X0 section ;;; ;; WARNING This function uses some functions from AI section (defun check-for-victory (who) (find-if-not #'null (loop for row in (all-space *game-space*) collecting (ensure-row 3 who row)))) (defun check-for-correctness (x y) (and (and (find x '(1 2 3)) (find y '(1 2 3))) ;; If some other symbol inserted (null (aref *game-space* (- x 1) (- y 1))))) ;; If already exists (defun check-for-draw () (= 0 (loop for i upto 2 summing (loop for j upto 2 summing (if (null (aref *game-space* i j)) 1 0))))) (defun ask-for-input (who) (cond ((eql who (first *ai*)) (ai who *game-space* (second *ai*))) ((eql :X0 (first *ai*)) (ai who *game-space* (if (eql :X who) (first (second *ai*)) (second (second *ai*))))) (t (let ((x (read)) (y (read))) (if (eql :ai x) (ai who *game-space* y) (if (check-for-correctness x y) (list (decf x) (decf y)))))))) ;; Make input numbers indexes. (defun turn (&optional (who :X)) (when *printing* (princ "It is the turn of ") (princ (if (eql :X who) "X!" "0!")) (princ #\Newline) (print-game-space)) (let ((input (ask-for-input who))) (if (null input) (win (other-player who) t) ;; Exit variant #1 -- not win. (let ((x (first input)) (y (second input))) (push (list x y) *turns-history*) (setf (aref *game-space* x y) who) (if (check-for-victory who) (win who) ;; Exit variant #2 -- win. (if (check-for-draw) (draw) ;; Exit variant #3 -- draw. (turn (other-player who)))))))) ;; Recursive call! (defun start-game (&optional (ai nil) (printing t)) (setf *printing* printing) (setf *ai* ai) (setf *turns-history* nil) ;; Turns history clearing. (loop for i upto 2 doing (loop for j upto 2 doing (setf (aref *game-space* 3 3) nil))) ;; Game space clearing. (turn)) ;;; end X0 section ;;;

Решение задачи: «Lisp Крестики Нолики»

Листинг программы
(defpackage :xo (:use :cl) (:export :start-game))
(in-package :xo)
(defvar *game-space* (make-array '(3 3)))
(defvar *turns-history*)
(defmacro other-player (who)
`(if (eql ,who :X)
:0 :X))
(defmacro first-possible (&rest forms)
(if forms
`(if ,(car forms) ,(car forms)
(first-possible ,@(cdr forms)))))
(defvar *printing* t)
(defvar *ai* nil)
;;; Printing section ;;;
(defun print-game-space ()
(princ " - 1 - 2 - 3 -") ;; X indexes
(princ #\Newline)
(princ "- -------------")
(loop for i upto 2 doing
(princ #\Newline)
(princ (+ 1 i)) (princ " |") ;; Y indexes
(loop for j upto 2 doing
(format t " ~a |" 
(aref *game-space* i j)
" ")))
(princ #\Newline)
(princ "- -------------"))
(princ #\Newline) nil)
(defun print-turns-history ()
(princ #\Newline)
(princ "The turns were:")
(princ #\Newline)
(let ((who :X))
for i upto 9
for (x y) in (reverse *turns-history*) doing
(format t "~d. The ~a turn was: x - ~d, y - ~d.~%" 
(+ i 1) who (+ x 1) (+ y 1))
(setf who (other-player who)))))
(defun win (who &optional technical)
(when *printing*
(format t "~a is winner!" who)
(if technical
(progn (princ " Technical victory!") nil)
(list who technical))
(defun draw ()
(when *printing*
(princ "Draw! Nobody wins.")
;;; end Printing section ;;;
;;; AI section ;;;
(defun ensure-row (how-many who row)
(if (= how-many (loop for i upto 2 summing
(if (eql who
(elt (second row) i))
1 (if (eql (other-player who)
(elt (second row) i))
-2 0))))
(first row)))
(defun row (game-space n &optional (column nil))
(let ((indexes
(loop for i to 2 collecting
(list (if column n i) (if column i n)))))
(list indexes
(loop for i in indexes collecting
(aref game-space (first i) (second i))))))
(defun diagonal (game-space &optional (minus nil))
(let ((indexes
(loop for i to 2 collecting
(list (if minus (- 2 i) i) i))))
(list indexes
(loop for index in indexes collecting
(aref game-space (first index) (second index))))))
(defun search-for-all-empties (list-of-cells game-space)
(remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (null (aref game-space
(first x)
(second x)))) list-of-cells))
(defun the-most-frequent (minimum &rest lists)
(let ((great-list 
(apply #'concatenate 'list lists)))
(nth (first-possible
(position (if (<= minimum
(loop for cell in great-list maximize
(count cell great-list :test #'equal)))
(loop for cell in great-list maximize
(count cell great-list :test #'equal))
(loop for cell in great-list collecting
(count cell great-list :test #'equal)))
(defun whole-space (game-space)
(concatenate 'list
(first (row game-space 0))
(first (row game-space 1))
(first (row game-space 2))))
(defun all-space (game-space)
(row game-space 0)
(row game-space 1)
(row game-space 2)
(row game-space 0 t)
(row game-space 1 t)
(row game-space 2 t)
(diagonal game-space)
(diagonal game-space t)))
(defun ai-find-turn (who game-space &optional aim)
((eql aim :win) (setf aim 2))
((eql aim :trapping) (setf aim 1))
(t (setf aim 0)))
(apply #'concatenate 'list
(remove-if #'null
(loop for row in 
(all-space game-space)
(ensure-row aim who row)))) game-space))
(defun ai-find-good-turn (who game-space) ;; this is bad
(the-most-frequent 1
(ai-find-turn who game-space :trapping)
(ai-find-turn who game-space)
(ai-find-turn who game-space))))
(defun ai-find-trap (who game-space &optional of-enemy) ;; this is better
(if of-enemy (setf who (other-player who)))
(the-most-frequent (if of-enemy 3 2)
(ai-find-turn who game-space :trapping)
(if of-enemy ;; to block a trap with attack
(ai-find-turn (other-player who)
game-space :trapping)))))
(defun ai-find-any (game-space)
(search-for-all-empties (whole-space game-space) game-space))
(defun ai (who game-space level)
(if (> level 0)
(car (ai-find-turn who game-space :win)))
(if (> level 1)
(car (ai-find-turn (other-player who) game-space :win)))
(if (> level 3)
(ai-find-trap who game-space))
(if (> level 4)
(ai-find-trap who game-space t))
(if (> level 2)
(ai-find-good-turn who game-space))
(ai-find-any game-space))))
;;; end AI section ;;;
;;; X0 section ;;;
;; WARNING This function uses some functions from AI section
(defun check-for-victory (who)
(find-if-not #'null
(loop for row in (all-space *game-space*) collecting
(ensure-row 3 who row))))
(defun check-for-correctness (x y)
(and (and (find x '(1 2 3))
(find y '(1 2 3))) ;; If some other symbol inserted
(null (aref *game-space* (- x 1) (- y 1))))) ;; If already exists
(defun check-for-draw ()
(= 0 
(loop for i upto 2 
(loop for j upto 2
(if (null (aref *game-space* i j)) 1 0)))))
(defun ask-for-input (who)
((eql who (first *ai*)) (ai who *game-space* (second *ai*)))
((eql :X0 (first *ai*)) (ai who *game-space* 
(if (eql :X who)
(first (second *ai*))
(second (second *ai*)))))
(t (let ((x (read)) (y (read)))
(if (eql :ai x)
(ai who *game-space* y)
(if (check-for-correctness x y)
(list (decf x) (decf y)))))))) ;; Make input numbers indexes.
(defun turn (&optional (who :X))
(when *printing*
(princ "It is the turn of ")
(princ (if (eql :X who) "X!" "0!"))
(princ #\Newline)
(let ((input (ask-for-input who)))
(if (null input)
(win (other-player who) t) ;; Exit variant #1 -- not win.
(let ((x (first input)) (y (second input)))
(push (list x y) *turns-history*)
(setf (aref *game-space* x y) who)
(if (check-for-victory who)
(win who) ;; Exit variant #2 -- win.
(if (check-for-draw)
(draw) ;; Exit variant #3 -- draw.
(turn (other-player who)))))))) ;; Recursive call!
(defun start-game (&optional (ai nil) (printing t))
(setf *printing* printing)
(setf *ai* ai)
(setf *turns-history* nil) ;; Turns history clearing.
(loop for i upto 2 doing
(loop for j upto 2 doing
(setf (aref *game-space* 3 3) nil))) ;; Game space clearing.
;;; end X0 section ;;;

Объяснение кода листинга программы

В коде представлена реализация игры Крестики-нолики на языке Lisp. Ниже представлен комментарий к каждому из пунктов:

  1. (defpackage :xo (:use :cl) (:export :start-game)) - Эта строка определяет пакет с именем :xo, который использует модуль :cl (Common Lisp). Также экспортируется функция :start-game.
  2. (in-package :xo) - Эта строка указывает, что весь следующий код будет работать в пакете :xo.
  3. (defvar game-space (make-array '(3 3))) - Здесь определяется переменная game-space, которая представляет собой массив размером 3x3, используемый для представления игрового поля.
  4. (defvar turns-history) - Здесь определяется переменная turns-history, которая будет хранить историю ходов.
  5. (defmacro other-player (who) (if (eql ,who :X) :0 :X)) - Эта строка определяет макрос other-player, который возвращает :0, если игрок, чей ход был сделан, играл закрестики, и :X, если занолики`.
  6. (defmacro first-possible (&rest forms) (if forms `(if ,(car forms) ,(car forms) (first-possible ,@(cdr forms))))) - Эта строка определяет макрос first-possible, который принимает список форм и возвращает первую возможную форму.
  7. (defvar printing t) - Здесь определяется переменная printing, которая по умолчанию установлена в true и используется для контроля вывода на печать.
  8. (defvar ai nil) - Здесь определяется переменная ai, которая будет использоваться для хранения информации об искусственном интеллекте (если он будет использоваться).
  9. (defun print-game-space () ...) - Эта функция печатает текущее состояние игрового поля.
  10. (defun print-turns-history () ...) - Эта функция печатает историю ходов.
  11. (defun win (who &optional technical) ...) - Эта функция проверяет, выиграл ли кто-то в игре, и выводит соответствующее сообщение.
  12. (defun draw () ...) - Эта функция проверяет, является ли игра ничьей, и выводит соответствующее сообщение.
  13. (defun ai-find-turn (who game-space &optional aim) ...) - Эта функция используется искусственным интеллектом для поиска наилучшего хода.
  14. (defun ai-find-good-turn (who game-space) ...) - Эта функция используется искусственным интеллектом для поиска хорошего хода.
  15. (defun ai-find-trap (who game-space &optional of-enemy) ...) - Эта функция используется искусственным интеллектом для поиска хода, который может привести к ловушке для противника.
  16. (defun ai-find-any (game-space) ...) - Эта функция используется искусственным интеллектом для поиска любого возможного хода.
  17. (defun ask-for-input (who) ...) - Эта функция запрашивает у игрока его ход.
  18. (defun turn (&optional (who :X)) ...) - Эта функция представляет основной цикл игры, который продолжается до тех пор, пока не будет достигнут победитель или ничья.
  19. (defun start-game (&optional (ai nil) (printing t)) ...) - Эта функция запускает игру, инициализируя игровое поле и историю ходов.

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