Встречено 'as', а ожидался идентификатор - PascalABC.NET
Формулировка задачи:
Встречено 'as', а ожидался идентификатор
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Решение задачи: «Встречено 'as', а ожидался идентификатор»
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program Sme; uses crt; type reca = record name: string[10]; resultat: integer; end; var aa: reca; Xz, Yz: array [1..40] of byte; us: array [1..11] of reca; i, k, k2, kk, och: integer; H, W, PlayE, Play: ShortInt; X1, Y1, d: byte; Kno, onk: Char; SL, Schot: Word; Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Ex, Ey, es, sa: Byte; f1: text; f2: file of integer; f3: text; f4: text; namen: string[10]; resul: string[20]; prav: string; procedure stolknovenie; var i: integer; begin for i := 2 to d - 2 do begin if (Xz[i] = Xz[i + 2]) and (Yz[i] = Yz[i + 2]) then es := 0 else es := 1; sa := sa * es; end; for i := 1 to d - 3 do begin if (sa <> 0) and (xz[1] = xz[i + 3]) and (yz[1] = yz[i + 3]) then Play := 0; end; if (Xz[1] = 3) or (Xz[1] = 57) or (Yz[1] = 3) or (Yz[1] = 22) Then Play := 0; end; procedure Ramka(Xr, Yr: Byte; tt: string; c: byte); var i: integer; begin TextColor(c); GotoXY(Xr, Yr + 1); write(tt); for i := Xr to Xr + 20 do begin GotoXY(i, Yr); write('*'); GotoXY(i, Yr + 2); write('*'); end; for i := Yr to Yr + 2 do begin GotoXY(Xr, i); write('*'); GotoXY(Xr + 20, i); write('*'); end; end; procedure Izm(vv: byte); begin Ax := Bx; Ay := By; Bx := Xz[vv]; By := Yz[vv]; Xz[vv] := Ax; Yz[vv] := Ay; end; procedure menu2(q, qq, wq, qw: string); var X1, Y1: integer; begin Clrscr; TextBackground(0); TextColor(15); for X1 := 25 to 55 do begin GotoXY(X1, 4); Write('*'); GotoXY(X1, 22); Write('*'); end; for Y1 := 4 to 22 do begin GotoXY(25, Y1); Write('*'); GotoXY(55, Y1); Write('*'); end; GotoXY(31, 7); Write(q); K2 := 0; repeat K2 := k2 + kk; kk := 0; if k2 = 0 Then Ramka(30, 10, qq, 128) else Ramka(30, 10, qq, 15); if k2 = 1 then Ramka(30, 14, wq, 128) else Ramka(30, 14, wq, 15); if K2 = 2 Then Ramka(30, 18, qw, 128) else Ramka(30, 18, qw, 15); Kno := ReadKey; if Kno = #80 then begin if k2 < 2 then kk := 1 else kk := 0; end else if Kno = #72 then begin if k2 > 0 then kk := -1 else kk := 0; end; until Kno = chr(13); end; procedure Spravka; var i, X1, Y1: Integer; begin menu2(' СПРАВКА', ' ПРАВИЛА ИГРЫ ', ' РАЗРАБОТЧИК ', ' НАЗАД '); if k2 = 0 then begin clrscr; assign(f4, 'd:\kkk\pravila.pas'); reset(f4); i := 3; while not EOF(f4) do begin GotoXY(3, i); i := i + 2; readln(f4, prav); writeln(prav); end; readln; end; if k2 = 1 then begin clrscr; TextBackground(0); TextColor(4); for X1 := 3 to 77 do begin GotoXY(x1, 2); Write('*'); GotoXY(X1, 23); write('*'); end; for Y1 := 2 to 23 do begin GotoXY(3, Y1); Write('*'); GotoXY(77, y1); Write('*'); end; assign(f4, 'd:\kkk\avtor.pas'); reset(f4); d := 7; while not EOF(f4) do begin textcolor(10); readln(f4, prav); GotoXY(19, d); Write(prav); d := d + 2; for i := 1 to 4 do Delay(59000); end; close(f4); readln; end; if k2 = 2 then TextBackground(0); textcolor(15); end; procedure Resultat; var i, j: integer; begin clrscr; reset(f1); for i := 1 to 10 do begin readln(f1, us[i].name); end; close(f1); reset(f2); for i := 1 to 10 do read(f2, us[i].resultat); close(f2); gotoXy(25, 12); if schot > us[10].resultat then begin writeln('Ваш результат составил: ', schot); gotoxy(30, 13); writeln('Введите ваше имя...'); gotoxy(36, 14); read(namen); end else begin GotoXY(23, 13); writeln('Вы не побили самый худший результат!!! :('); GotoXY(13, 14); writeln('Но не огорчайтесь!!! Вы можете просто написать ваше имя!!!)))'); GotoXY(36, 15); readln(namen); end; us[11].name := namen; us[11].resultat := schot; for i := 1 to 11 do for j := 2 to 11 do begin if us[j].resultat > us[j - 1].resultat then begin aa := us[j - 1]; us[j - 1] := us[j]; us[j] := aa; end; end; rewrite(f1); for i := 1 to 10 do begin write(f1, us[i].name); writeln(f1, ' '); end; close(f1); rewrite(f2); for i := 1 to 10 do write(f2, us[i].resultat); close(f2); rewrite(f3); for i := 1 to 10 do writeln(f3, i, ': ', us[i].resultat, ' ', us[i].name); close(f3); end; begin assign(f3, 'd:\kkk\itog.txt'); assign(f1, 'd:\kkk\imena.txt'); assign(f2, 'd:\kkk\rec.dat'); repeat repeat Clrscr; TextBackground(0); TextColor(15); for X1 := 25 to 55 do begin GotoXY(X1, 4); Write('*'); GotoXY(X1, 22); Write('*'); end; for Y1 := 4 to 22 do begin GotoXY(25, Y1); Write('*'); GotoXY(55, Y1); Write('*'); end; K := 0; repeat k := k + kk; kk := 0; if k = 0 Then Ramka(30, 6, ' ИГРАТЬ ', 128) else Ramka(30, 6, ' ИГРАТЬ ', 15); if k = 1 Then Ramka(30, 10, ' РЕКОРДЫ ', 128) else Ramka(30, 10, ' РЕКОРДЫ ', 15); if k = 2 then Ramka(30, 14, ' СПРАВКА ', 128) else Ramka(30, 14, ' СПРАВКА ', 15); if k = 3 then Ramka(30, 18, ' ВЫХОД ', 128) else Ramka(30, 18, ' ВЫХОД ', 15); Kno := ReadKey; if Kno = #80 then begin if k < 3 then kk := 1 else kk := 0; end else if Kno = #72 then begin if k > 0 then kk := -1 else kk := 0; end; until Kno = chr(13); if k = 1 then begin Clrscr; GotoXy(36, 5); writeln('РЕКОРДЫ'); reset(f3); for i := 1 to 10 do begin readln(f3, resul); GotoXY(32, 7 + i); Write(resul); end; close(f3); Readln; end; if k = 2 then repeat spravka; until k2 = 2; if k = 3 then exit; until (k = 3) or (k = 0); if k = 0 then begin menu2(' УРОВЕНЬ СЛОЖНОСТИ', ' ГЛИСТ ', ' ЗМЕЯ ', ' АНАКОНДА '); end; if K2 = 0 then begin Sl := 40000; och := 25; d := 5 end else if k2 = 1 then begin Sl := 30000; och := 50; d := 10 end else begin Sl := 20000; och := 100; d := 15 end; TextBackground(1); Textcolor(5); clrscr; schot := 0; playE := 1; Xz[1] := 30; Yz[1] := 13; for i := 2 to 40 do begin Xz[i] := Xz[1]; Yz[i] := Yz[1]; end; for X1 := 3 to 57 do begin GotoXY(x1, 2); Write('*'); GotoXY(X1, 23); write('*'); end; for Y1 := 2 to 23 do begin GotoXY(3, Y1); Write('*'); GotoXY(57, y1); Write('*'); end; Play := 1; GotoXY(60, 4); write('СЧЕТ: '); GotoXY(60, 6); write('Рост змеи: '); gotoXY(60, 8); write('Лучшие результаты:'); reset(f3); for i := 1 to 3 do begin readln(f3, resul); GotoXY(60, 9 + i); Write(resul); end; close(f3); repeat if play = 1 then begin TextColor(4); Ax := xz[1]; Ay := Yz[1]; Xz[1] := Xz[1] + H; Yz[1] := Yz[1] + W; Bx := Xz[2]; By := Yz[2]; Xz[2] := Ax; Yz[2] := Ay; for i := 3 to 40 do izm(i); GotoXY(Xz[1], Yz[1]); write(chr(1)); for i := 2 to d do begin GotoXY(Xz[i], Yz[i]); Write(chr(4)); end; Delay(SL); Textcolor(1); GotoXY(Xz[1], Yz[1]); write(chr(1)); for i := 2 to 40 do begin GotoXY(Xz[i], Yz[i]); Write(chr(4)); end; randomize; if PlayE = 1 then begin Ex := Random(54) + 4; Ey := random(18) + 4; if (K2 = 0) and (schot <> 0) and ((schot mod 75) = 0) then d := d + 1; if (k2 = 0) and (schot <> 0) and ((schot mod 150) = 0) then Sl := Sl - 500; if (K2 = 1) and (schot <> 0) and ((schot mod 150) = 0) then d := d + 1; if (k2 = 1) and (schot <> 0) and ((schot mod 500) = 0) then Sl := Sl - 500; if (K2 = 2) and (schot <> 0) and ((schot mod 500) = 0) then d := d + 1; if (k2 = 2) and (schot <> 0) and ((schot mod 1000) = 0) then Sl := Sl - 500; PlayE := 0; end; Textcolor(6); GotoXY(Ex, Ey); write(chr(6)); if (Xz[1] = Ex) and (Yz[1] = Ey) then begin schot := schot + och; PlayE := 1; Textcolor(1); GotoXy(Ex, Ey); write(' '); end; case Kno of #72: begin W := -1; H := 0; end; #80: begin W := 1; H := 0; end; #77: begin W := 0; H := 1; end; #75: begin W := 0; h := -1; end; end; if Keypressed = true then begin onk := readkey;Kno := Readkey; end; end; GotoXY(66, 4); write(Schot); GotoXY(70, 6); write(d); sa := 10; stolknovenie; until Play = 0; if play = 0 then begin TextBackground(0); Textcolor(15); clrscr; GotoXY(6, 8); write(' ***** ***** * * ******* ***** ** ** ******* ****** '); GotoXY(6, 9); write('******* ******* ** ** ******* ******* ** ** ******* *******'); GotoXY(6, 10); write('** ** ** *** *** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **'); GotoXY(6, 11); write('** ** ** **** **** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **'); GotoXY(6, 12); write('** ** ** ** *** ** **** ** ** ** ** **** ** **'); GotoXY(6, 13); write('** ** ******* ** * ** **** ** ** ** ** **** ****** '); GotoXY(6, 14); write('** *** ******* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** '); GotoXY(6, 15); write('** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** '); GotoXY(6, 16); write('******* ** ** ** ** ******* ******* *** ******* ** ** '); GotoXY(6, 17); write(' ***** ** ** ** ** ******* ***** * ******* ** **'); GotoXY(25, 23); Write('Для продолжения нажмите ENTER'); repeat kno := readkey; until Kno = chr(13); end; resultat; H := 0; w := 0; k := 0; kk := 0; until k = 3; end.
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