Решить ребус - Pascal ABC (13265)
Формулировка задачи:
Решение задачи: «Решить ребус»
var m: set of byte; u,s,r,a,p,e,c: integer; begin m := []; for u := 1 to 6 do if not (u in m) then begin Include(m, u); for s := 0 to 6 do if not (s in m) then begin Include(m, s); for r := 0 to 6 do if not (r in m) then begin Include(m, r); for a := 0 to 6 do if not (a in m) then begin Include(m, a); for p := 1 to 6 do if not (p in m) then begin Include(m, p); for e := 0 to 6 do if not (e in m) then begin Include(m, e); for c := 0 to 6 do if not (c in m) then begin Include(m, c); if u * 1000 + s * 100 + s * 10 + r + u * 100 + s * 10 + a = p * 10000 + e * 1000 + a * 100 + c * 10 + e then WriteLn(u, s, s, r, ' + ', u, s, a, ' = ', p, e, a, c, e); Exclude(m, c) end; Exclude(m, e); end; Exclude(m, p); end; Exclude(m, a) end; Exclude(m, r) end; Exclude(m, s) end; Exclude(m, u) end; end.
Объяснение кода листинга программы
var m: set of byte; u,s,r,a,p,e,c: integer; begin m := []; for u := 1 to 6 do if not (u in m) then begin Include(m, u); for s := 0 to 6 do if not (s in m) then begin Include(m, s); for r := 0 to 6 do if not (r in m) then begin Include(m, r); for a := 0 to 6 do if not (a in m) then begin Include(m, a); for p := 1 to 6 do if not (p in m) then begin Include(m, p); for e := 0 to 6 do if not (e in m) then begin Include(m, e); for c := 0 to 6 do if not (c in m) then begin Include(m, c); if u 1000 + s 100 + s 10 + r + u 1000 + s 100 + a 100 + c 10 + e = p 10000 + e 1000 + a 100 + c * 10 + e then WriteLn(u, s, s, r, ' + ', u, s, a, ' = ', p, e, a, c, e); Exclude(m, c) end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end.
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