Нахождение в текстовом файле строк, в которых есть некоторое ключевое слово - Prolog
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Нахождение в текстовом файле строк, в которых есть некоторое ключевое слово.
Решение задачи: «Нахождение в текстовом файле строк, в которых есть некоторое ключевое слово»
Листинг программы
DOMAINS list_string = string* file = myfile PREDICATES nondeterm result nondeterm work_file(string,list_string) nondeterm make_list(string,char,list_string) nondeterm read_list(list_string) nondeterm find_words(string,list_string) save_to_file(string,list_string) transform(char,char) write_list(list_string) CLAUSES work_file(Namefile,List):- nl, write(" Create a file? (Y / N) "), nl, write(" By default, the processing of strings will be performed in an already created file "), nl, readchar(C), make_list(Namefile,C,List). make_list(Namefile,C,List):- transform(C,C1), C1 = 'y', write(" Enter a list of strings: "), nl, read_list(List), save_to_file(Namefile,List),!. make_list(Namefile,_,List):- existfile(Namefile), openread(myfile,Namefile), readdevice(myfile), read_list(List), readdevice(keyboard), closefile(myfile); write(" The file does not exist. It is recommended to create it. "), nl, make_list(Namefile,'y',List). write_list([]). write_list([H|T]):- write(H),nl, write_list(T). transform('Y','y'). transform('y','y'). read_list([H|T]):- readln(H), H <> "", read_list(T). read_list([]). save_to_file(Name,List):- openwrite(myfile,Name), writedevice(myfile), write_list(List),nl, writedevice(screen), closefile(myfile). find_words("",[]). find_words(Str,[Word|T]):- fronttoken(Str,Word,Ost_str), frontchar(Word,C,Ost), find_words(Ost_str,T). find_words(Str,T):- fronttoken(Str,_,Ost), find_words(Ost,T). result:- write(" Find strings in a text file that have a certain keyword. "), nl, work_file("FILE_6.txt",List1), write(" Strings before processing: "), nl, write_list(List1),nl, readchar(_), write("Enter the keyword: "), readln(Str),nl, write(" Strings after processing: "), nl, readchar(_),!. GOAL result.
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