Решение интегрального уравнения. QUANC8 и ZEROIN - Turbo Pascal
Формулировка задачи:
- program cours;
- {$N+}
- uses FMM, crt;
- Var a, b, z, tol : double;
- i, j : integer;
- ai, bi, relerr, abserr,
- result, errest, flag : double;
- nofun : longint;
- function starting_fun(x : double) : double; { подынтегральная функция }
- var alpha : double;
- begin
- starting_fun:=1/(sqrt(2*(alpha + x*x*x/3 - x)));
- end;
- function fun(alpha: double) : double; { функция с вызовом quanc8 }
- begin
- ai:=0;
- bi:=1;
- relerr:=1.0e-12;
- abserr:=0.0;
- quanc8(@starting_fun,ai,bi,abserr,relerr,result,errest,nofun,flag);
- fun := result - 1;
- inc(j);
- end;
- clrscr;
- a:=0;
- b:=1;
- tol:=1e-12;
- writeln(' Tol Root Nofun');
- writeln;
- j:=0;
- writeln(tol,' ',zeroin(a,b,tol,@fun),' ',j);
- END.
Решение задачи: «Решение интегрального уравнения. QUANC8 и ZEROIN»
- {$N+}
- Const ndim = 21;{FOR LAB1=21; LAB2= ; LAB3= }
- ndimS = 10;
- ndimC = 10;
- maxnfe = 3000; {„®ЇгбвЁ¬®Ґ зЁб«® ўлзЁб«Ґ*Ё© Yp=F(t,Y) ¤«п RKF45}
- {$IFOPT N+}
- type
- float = double; { 8 byte real, requires 8087 math chip}
- {$ELSE}
- type
- float = real; { 6 byte real, no math chip required }
- {$ENDIF}
- type floatvector = array [1..ndim] of float;
- floatmatrix = array [1..ndim,1..ndim] of float;
- rvecn = array [1..6*ndim+3] of float;
- ivec5 = array [1..5] of integer;
- ivector = array [1..ndim] of integer;
- floatvectorS = array [1..ndimS] of float;
- floatvectorC = array [1..ndimC] of float;
- floatmatrixCS = array [1..ndimS,1..ndimC] of float;
- Procedure quanc8( fun : pointer;
- a,b,abserr,relerr : float;
- var result,
- errest : float;
- var nofun : longint;
- var flag : float);
- function zeroin( ax,bx,tol : float;
- F : pointer) : float;
- function sign( a,b : float) : float;
- Type Floatworkrecord = record
- yp : floatvector;
- h : float;
- f1 : floatvector;
- f2 : floatvector;
- f3 : floatvector;
- f4 : floatvector;
- f5 : floatvector;
- savre : float;
- savae : float;
- end;
- Integerworkrecord = record
- nfe, kop, init, jflag, kflag : integer;
- end;
- {$F+}
- {$L Initval.OBJ}
- function UserFunction1( X : float;
- ProcAddr : Pointer) : float; external;
- Function UserFunction3( X : float;
- ProcAddr : Pointer) : float; external;
- {$F-}
- function sign(a,b:float):float;
- begin
- if b=0 then sign:=0 else sign:=b/abs(b)*abs(a)
- end;
- Procedure quanc8(fun:pointer;a,b,abserr,relerr:float;var result,
- errest:float;var nofun:longint;var flag:float);
- label 72,90,30,50,62,60,70,75,80,82;
- var
- w0,w1,w2,w3,w4,area,x0,f0,stone,step,cor11,temp : float;
- qprev,qnow,qdiff,qleft,esterr,tolerr : float;
- f,x : array [1..16] of float;
- fsave,xsave : array [1..8,1..30] of float;
- qright : array [1..31] of float;
- levmin,levmax,levout,nomax,nofin,lev,nim,i,j,
- kk,stepp : longint;
- begin
- {writeln('Q8 start a,b,abserr,relerr,result,errest, nofun',
- #13,#10,a,b,abserr,relerr,result,errest, nofun);}
- levmin:=1;
- levmax:=30;
- levout:=6;
- nomax:=5000;
- stepp:=1; for kk:=1 to levout+1 do stepp:=stepp*2;
- nofin:=nomax-8*(levmax-levout+stepp);
- w0:=3956.0/14175.0;
- w1:=23552.0/14175.0;
- w2:=-3712.0/14175.0;
- w3:=41984.0/14175.0;
- w4:=-18160.0/14175.0;
- flag:=0.0;
- result:=0.0;
- cor11:=0.0;
- errest:=0.0;
- area:=0.0;
- nofun:=0;
- if a=b then goto 90;{end procedure}
- lev:=0;
- nim:=1;
- x0:=a;
- x[16]:=b;
- qprev:=0.0;
- f0:=userfunction1(x0,fun);
- stone:=(b-a)/16.0;
- x[8]:=(x0+x[16])/2.0;
- x[4]:=(x0+x[8])/2.0;
- x[12]:=(x[8]+x[16])/2.0;
- x[2]:=(x0+x[4])/2.0;
- x[6]:=(x[4]+x[8])/2.0;
- x[10]:=(x[8]+x[12])/2.0;
- x[14]:=(x[12]+x[16])/2.0;
- j:=2;
- while j<=16 do begin
- f[j]:=userfunction1(x[j],fun);
- j:=j+2;
- end;
- nofun:=9;
- 30: x[1]:=(x0+x[2])/2.0;
- f[1]:=userfunction1(x[1],fun);
- j:=3;
- while j<=15 do begin
- x[j]:=(x[j-1]+x[j+1])/2.0;
- f[j]:=userfunction1(x[j],fun);
- j:=j+2;
- end;
- nofun:=nofun+8;
- step:=(x[16]-x0)/16.0;
- qleft:=(w0*(f0+f[8])+w1*(f[1]+f[7])+w2*(f[2]+f[6])+w3*(f[3]+f[5])+w4*f[4])*step;
- qright[lev+1]:=(w0*(f[8]+f[16])+w1*(f[9]+f[15])+w2*(f[10]+f[14])+w3*(f[11]+f[13])+w4*f[12])*step;
- qnow:=qleft+qright[lev+1];
- qdiff:=qnow-qprev;
- area:=area+qdiff;
- esterr:=abs(qdiff)/1023.0;
- if abserr>=(relerr*abs(area)) then tolerr:=abserr*(step/stone)
- else tolerr:=relerr*abs(area)*(step/stone);
- if lev<levmin then goto 50;
- if lev>=levmax then goto 62;
- if nofun>nofin then goto 60;
- if esterr<=tolerr then goto 70;
- 50: nim:=2*nim;
- lev:=lev+1;
- for i:=1 to 8 do begin
- fsave[i,lev]:=f[i+8];
- xsave[i,lev]:=x[i+8];
- end;
- qprev:=qleft;
- for i:=-1 downto -8 do begin
- f[2*i+18]:=f[i+9];
- x[2*i+18]:=x[i+9];
- end;
- goto 30;
- 60: nofin:=2*nofin;
- levmax:=levout;
- flag:=flag+(b-x0)/(b-a);
- goto 70;
- 62: flag:=flag+1.0;
- 70: result:=result+qnow;
- errest:=errest+esterr;
- cor11:=cor11+qdiff/1023.0;
- 72: if nim=2*(nim div 2) then goto 75;
- nim:=nim div 2;
- lev:=lev-1;
- goto 72;
- 75: nim:=nim+1;
- if lev<=0 then goto 80;
- qprev:=qright[lev];
- x0:=x[16];
- f0:=f[16];
- for i:=1 to 8 do begin
- f[2*i]:=fsave[i,lev];
- x[2*i]:=xsave[i,lev];
- end;
- goto 30;
- 80: result:=result+cor11;
- if errest=0.0 then goto 90;{end procedure}
- 82: temp:=abs(result)+errest;
- if temp<>abs(result) then goto 90;
- errest:=2.0*errest;
- goto 82;
- 90: exit; end;
- function zeroin(ax,bx,tol : float; F : pointer) : float;
- Label 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90;
- Const fierstcall : boolean = true;
- eps : float = 1.0;
- var a,b,c,d,e,fa,fb,fc,tol1,xm,p,q,r,s : float;
- Begin
- if fierstcall then begin
- 10: eps:=eps/2.0;
- tol1:=1.0+eps;
- if(tol1 > 1.0) then goto 10;
- end;
- a:=ax;
- b:=bx;
- fa:=userfunction3(a,F);
- fb:=userfunction3(b,F);
- 20: c:=a;
- fc:=fa;
- d:=b-a;
- e:=d;
- 30: if(abs(fc) >= abs(fb)) then goto 40;
- a:=b;
- b:=c;
- c:=a;
- fa:=fb;
- fb:=fc;
- fc:=fa;
- 40: tol1:=2.0*eps*abs(b)+0.5*tol;
- xm:=0.5*(c-b);
- if(abs(xm) <= tol1) then goto 90;
- if(fb = 0.0) then goto 90;
- if(abs(e) < tol1) then goto 70;
- if(abs(fa) <= abs(fb)) then goto 70;
- if(a <> c) then goto 50;
- s:=fb/fa;
- p:=2.0*xm*s;
- q:=1.0-s;
- goto 60;
- 50: q:=fa/fc;
- r:=fb/fc;
- s:=fb/fa;
- p:=s*(2.0*xm*q*(q-r)-(b-a)*(r-1.0));
- q:=(q-1.0)*(r-1.0)*(s-1.0);
- 60: if(p > 0.0) then q:=-q;
- p:=abs(p);
- if((2.0*p) >= (3.0*xm*q-abs(tol1*q))) then goto 70;
- if(p >= abs(0.5*e*q)) then goto 70;
- e:=d;
- d:=p/q;
- goto 80;
- 70: d:=xm;
- e:=d;
- 80: a:=b;
- fa:=fb;
- if(abs(d) > tol1) then b:=b+d;
- if(abs(d) <= tol1) then b:=b+sign(tol1,xm);
- fb:=userfunction3(b,F);
- if((fb*(fc/abs(fc))) > 0.0) then goto 20;
- goto 30;
- 90: zeroin:=b;
- end;
- END.
Объяснение кода листинга программы
The code you provided is a Pascal program that implements a method for solving integral equations. It uses a user-defined function to evaluate the equation at different points. The program then adjusts the step size and repeats the process until the desired accuracy is achieved.
The user-defined function UserFunction1
is used to evaluate the equation at a given point x
. The user-defined function UserFunction3
is used to evaluate the equation at a different point x+d
, where d
is the step size.
The program starts by initializing some variables and constants, including the step size step
, the tolerance tolerr
, and the number of function calls nofun
It then proceeds to the main loop, which iterates over different steps in the integration process. In each iteration, it calculates the current position x
, evaluates the equation at x
using UserFunction1
, and updates the step size step
If the current step size step
is smaller than the tolerance tolerr
, the program increases the step size step
by a factor of 2. Otherwise, it keeps the current step size.
After each iteration, the program updates the variable result
, which represents the sum of the current step size step
and the tolerance tolerr
. It also updates the variable errest
, which represents the residual error between the calculated and exact values.
The program continues iterating until the desired accuracy is achieved, which is determined by the tolerance tolerr
At the end of the program, the variable zeroin
is set to the value of the final step size step
Please note that the code provided is quite complex and may require further explanation or adjustments to work correctly depending on the specific problem being solved.
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