Дан указатель Р1 на корень непустого генеалогического дерева - VB
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Дан указатель Р1 на корень не пустого генеалогического дерева. Для двух дальних родствеников найти ближайшего общего предка.
Решение задачи: «Дан указатель Р1 на корень непустого генеалогического дерева»
Листинг программы
Option Explicit Private Type Node Name As Long Parent As Long ChildCount As Long Child() As Long End Type Dim Names() As Variant Dim Tree() As Node Dim maxw As Long Dim maxh As Long Private Sub Form_Load() Dim i1 As Long, i2 As Long, r As Long Randomize AutoRedraw = True: FillStyle = vbSolid: FillColor = vbWhite: ScaleMode = vbPixels Names = Array("ÀëåêñГ*Г*äð", "ГЂГ*Г*òîëèé", "Âèêòîð", "Àëåêñåé", "Äìèòðèé", "Г‚Г*ñèëèé", "ГЏГҐГІГ°", "ÈâГ*Г*", _ "ÍèêîëГ*Г©", "Ôåäîð", "ГЊГЁГµГ*ГЁГ«", "Ãðèãîðèé", "ËåîГ*ГЁГ¤", "ГЌГЁГЄГЁГІГ*", "Èëüÿ", "ÑòåïГ*Г*", _ "ÑòГ*Г*ГЁГ±Г«Г*Гў", "ÐîìГ*Г*", "Ñåðãåé", "ГЂГ*ГІГ®Г*") Create -1, 4 Draw 0, 5, 5 Me.Width = (Width - ScaleWidth * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) + (maxw + 10) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX Me.Height = (Height - ScaleHeight * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) + (maxh + 10) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY Show Do: i1 = Val(InputBox("Ââåäèòå Г*îìåð Г¤Г*ëüГ*ГҐГЈГ® ðîäñòâåГ*Г*ГЁГЄГ* В№1", "0")): Loop While i1 > UBound(Tree) Do: i2 = Val(InputBox("Ââåäèòå Г*îìåð Г¤Г*ëüГ*ГҐГЈГ® ðîäñòâåГ*Г*ГЁГЄГ* В№2", "0")): Loop While i2 > UBound(Tree) Caption = Format(i1, "00") & " " & Names(Tree(i1).Name) & " - " & Format(i2, "00") & " " & Names(Tree(i2).Name) r = Search(i1, i2) If r = -1 Then MsgBox "ГЌГҐГІ îáùåãî": Exit Sub MsgBox "ГЋГЎГ№ГЁГ© ïðåäîê: " & Format(r, "00") & " " & Names(Tree(r).Name) End Sub ' Ïîèñê Private Function Search(ByVal i1 As Long, ByVal i2 As Long) As Long Dim ti1 As Long, ti2 As Long ti1 = i1 Do Until Tree(ti1).Parent = Tree(i2).Parent ti1 = Tree(ti1).Parent If ti1 = -1 Then ti1 = i1: i2 = i2 - 1: If i2 = -1 Then Exit Do DoEvents Loop Search = Tree(i2).Parent End Function ' ÎòðèñîâêГ* Private Sub Draw(ByVal i As Long, ByVal x As Long, y As Long) Dim n As Long, h As Long, w As Long, idx As Long, cap As String, ly As Long cap = Format(i, "00") & " " & Names(Tree(i).Name) ly = y: h = TextHeight(cap): w = TextWidth(cap) Line (x - 1, y)-Step(w + 2, h), &HF08020, B CurrentX = x: CurrentY = y: Print cap For n = 0 To Tree(i).ChildCount - 1 Line (x + w + 2, ly + h \ 2)-(x + 100, y + h \ 2), &H808080 idx = Tree(i).Child(n): Draw idx, x + 100, y If n < Tree(i).ChildCount - 1 Then y = y + h + 3 Next If x + w > maxw Then maxw = x + w If y + h > maxh Then maxh = y + h End Sub ' ÑîçäГ*Г*ГЁГҐ äåðåâГ* Private Sub Create(ByVal Parent As Long, ByVal Level As Long) Dim i As Long, n As Long, c As Long c = Int(Rnd * 3) If Parent = -1 Then ReDim Tree(0): Parent = 0: Tree(i).Name = Int(Rnd * (UBound(Names) + 1)) Tree(i).Parent = -1 End If ReDim Tree(Parent).Child(c): Tree(Parent).ChildCount = c + 1 For n = 0 To c i = UBound(Tree) + 1: ReDim Preserve Tree(i) Tree(Parent).Child(n) = i Tree(i).Name = Int(Rnd * (UBound(Names) + 1)): Tree(i).Parent = Parent If Level Then Create i, Level - 1 Next End Sub
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