Движение электронов - VB
Формулировка задачи:
Здравстуйте,помогите с задачей!Есть неподвижное ядро атома и вокруг него вращаются три электрона в форме круга.Для атома нужна возможность выбора цвета,а для элетронов : радиус орбиты вращения(1-10),скорость(1-5), цвет, движение по часовой или против.Число оборотов для всех элетронов одинаковое. Также необходимо предусмотреть возможность установки параметров по умолчанию
Решение задачи: «Движение электронов»
Листинг программы
Dim Grad1 As Single, Grad2 As Single, Grad3 As Single Dim Spd1 As Single, Spd2 As Single, Spd3 As Single Dim R1 As Integer, R2 As Integer, R3 As Integer Dim clr1 As Long, clr2 As Long, clr3 As Long Dim NumberOfoborotov As Integer Dim oborot1 As Integer, oborot2 As Integer, oborot3 As Integer Const Pi As Single = 3.14159 Private Sub Color1_Change() If Val(Color1.Text) > 5 Or Val(Color1.Text) < 1 Then Color1.Text = "1" Color1.SelStart = 0: Color1.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Color1_GotFocus() Color1.SelStart = 0: Color1.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Color1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Color1.SelStart = 0: Color1.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Color1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Color1.SelStart = 0: Color1.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Color2_Change() If Val(Color2.Text) > 5 Or Val(Color2.Text) < 1 Then Color2.Text = "1" Color2.SelStart = 0: Color2.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Color2_GotFocus() Color2.SelStart = 0: Color2.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Color2_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Color2.SelStart = 0: Color2.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Color2_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Color2.SelStart = 0: Color2.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Color3_Change() If Val(Color3.Text) > 5 Or Val(Color3.Text) < 1 Then Color3.Text = "1" Color3.SelStart = 0: Color3.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Color3_GotFocus() Color3.SelStart = 0: Color3.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Color3_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Color3.SelStart = 0: Color3.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Color3_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Color3.SelStart = 0: Color3.SelLength = 1 End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Timer1.Interval = 10 Me.Height = 7000: Me.Width = 10000 Picture1.Scale (-10, 10)-(10, -10) Picture1.FillStyle = 0 Picture1.AutoRedraw = True cmdStart.Caption = "Start": Speed1.Text = 80: Radius1.Text = 3: Color1.Text = 3 Speed2.Text = 50: Radius2.Text = 4: Color2.Text = 4 Speed3.Text = 55: Radius3.Text = 6: Color3.Text = 5 Call cmdStart_Click End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If oborot1 < NumberOfoborotov Then If Grad1 + 1 <= 2 * Pi / Spd1 Then Grad1 = Grad1 + 1 Else Grad1 = 0 oborot1 = oborot1 + 1 End If End If If oborot2 < NumberOfoborotov Then If Grad2 + 1 <= 2 * Pi / Spd2 Then Grad2 = Grad2 + 1 Else Grad2 = 0 oborot2 = oborot2 + 1 End If End If If oborot3 < NumberOfoborotov Then If Grad3 - 1 >= -2 * Pi / Spd3 Then Grad3 = Grad3 - 1 Else Grad3 = 0 oborot3 = oborot3 + 1 End If End If If oborot1 = NumberOfoborotov And oborot2 = NumberOfoborotov And oborot3 = NumberOfoborotov Then Timer1.Enabled = False Picture1.Cls Picture1.FillColor = vbRed Picture1.Circle (0, 0), 0.5, vbRed Picture1.FillColor = clr1 Picture1.Circle ((Cos(Grad1 * Spd1) * Val(Radius1.Text)), Sin(Grad1 * Spd1) * Val(Radius1.Text)), 0.2, clr1 Picture1.FillColor = clr2 Picture1.Circle ((Cos(Grad2 * Spd2) * Val(Radius2.Text)), Sin(Grad2 * Spd2) * Val(Radius2.Text)), 0.3, clr2 Picture1.FillColor = clr3 Picture1.Circle ((Cos(Grad3 * Spd3) * Val(Radius3.Text)), Sin(Grad3 * Spd3) * Val(Radius3.Text)), 0.2, clr3 End Sub Private Sub cmdStart_Click() NumberOfoborotov = Val(oborot.Text) Grad1 = 0: Grad2 = 0: Grad3 = 0 oborot1 = 0: oborot2 = 0: oborot3 = 0 Spd1 = Val(Speed1.Text) / 1000 Spd2 = Val(Speed2.Text) / 1000 Spd3 = Val(Speed3.Text) / 1000 clr1 = Choose(Val(Color1.Text), vbBlack, vbRed, vbGreen, vbBlue, vbMagenta) clr2 = Choose(Val(Color2.Text), vbBlack, vbRed, vbGreen, vbBlue, vbMagenta) clr3 = Choose(Val(Color3.Text), vbBlack, vbRed, vbGreen, vbBlue, vbMagenta) Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdStop_Click() Timer1.Enabled = False End Sub
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