Option Explicit
Dim WithEvents picDisp As PictureBox, _
WithEvents hsbSize As HScrollBar, _
WithEvents hsbZoom As HScrollBar, _
WithEvents tmrTime As Timer, _
WithEvents cboType As ComboBox
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set picDisp = Controls.Add("VB.PictureBox", "picDisp")
Set hsbSize = Controls.Add("VB.HScrollBar", "hsbSize")
Set hsbZoom = Controls.Add("VB.HScrollBar", "hsbZoom")
Set tmrTime = Controls.Add("VB.Timer", "tmrTime")
Set cboType = Controls.Add("VB.Combobox", "cboType")
picDisp.ScaleMode = vbPixels: picDisp.FillStyle = vbSolid: picDisp.AutoRedraw = True
hsbSize.Max = 100: hsbSize.Min = 0: hsbSize.Value = 50
hsbZoom.Max = 100: hsbZoom.Min = 0: hsbZoom.Value = 50
picDisp.Visible = True: hsbSize.Visible = True: hsbZoom.Visible = True
tmrTime.Interval = 32
cboType.AddItem "ÑôåðГ*": cboType.AddItem "ГЉГіГЎ": cboType.AddItem "Ýëëèïñ"
cboType.ListIndex = 1: cboType.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
If ScaleHeight <= 1000 Or ScaleWidth <= 2000 Then Exit Sub
picDisp.Move 100, 100, ScaleWidth - 200, ScaleHeight - 1000
hsbSize.Move 100, ScaleHeight - 800, ScaleWidth - 200
hsbZoom.Move 100, ScaleHeight - 400, ScaleWidth - 2000
cboType.Move ScaleWidth - 1800, ScaleHeight - 400, 1700
End Sub
Private Sub tmrTime_Timer()
Static ph As Single, cz As Single, x As Single, y As Single, d As Single, _
p As Single, s As Long, l As Long, q As Single
q = (hsbZoom.Value / 100)
cz = Sin(ph) * q
ph = ph + 0.03: picDisp.Cls
s = IIf(ScaleWidth > ScaleHeight, picDisp.ScaleHeight / 4, picDisp.ScaleWidth / 4) * (hsbSize.Value / 100)
s = s + s * cz: If s = 0 Then Exit Sub
Select Case cboType.ListIndex
Case 0
picDisp.DrawStyle = 5
d = 1.5707963267949 / s: p = 0: x = picDisp.ScaleWidth / 2: y = picDisp.ScaleHeight / 2
For l = 0 To s - 1
q = Exp(p - 1.5707963267949) * 255
picDisp.FillColor = RGB(Sin(p) * 255, q, q)
picDisp.Circle (x, y), s
s = s - 1: p = p + d: x = x - 0.4: y = y - 0.4
Case 1
picDisp.DrawStyle = 0
x = picDisp.ScaleWidth / 2 - s: y = Int(picDisp.ScaleHeight / 2 - s)
picDisp.Line (x, y)-Step(s * 2, s * 2), &HA0A0FF, BF
x = x + 1: y = y - 1: q = s / 2.5
For l = 0 To q - 1
picDisp.Line (x, y)-Step(s * 2, 0), &H323280
picDisp.Line (Int(x + s * 2), y)-Step(0, s * 2), &H5252A0
x = x + 1: y = y - 1
Case Else
picDisp.DrawStyle = 5
x = picDisp.ScaleWidth / 2: y = picDisp.ScaleHeight / 2
picDisp.FillColor = vbRed
picDisp.Circle (x, y), s * 2, , , , 0.5
End Select
End Sub