Возможно ли программно установить модем? - VB

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Конкретно "Стандартный модем 14400"

Решение задачи: «Возможно ли программно установить модем?»

Листинг программы
Option Explicit

Public Type GUID
  Data1 As Long
  Data2 As Integer
  Data3 As Integer
  Data4(7) As Byte
End Type


'Device Installation Structures
  cbSize As Long
  ClassGuid As GUID
  DevInst As Long
  Reserved As Long
End Type

'Flags -Flags that control installation and user interface operations.
Public Const DI_ENUMSINGLEINF = &H10000
'FlagsEx -Additional flags that provide control over installation and user interface operations.

  cbSize As Long
  Flags As Long
  FlagsEx As Long
  hWndParent As Long
  InstallMsgHandler As Long 'PSP_FILE_CALLBACK
  InstallMsgHandlerContext As Long 'PVOID
  FileQueue As Long 'HSPFILEQ
  ClassInstallReserved As Long 'ULONG_PTR
  Reserved As Long
  DriverPath(MAX_PATH - 1) As Byte ' A-version
End Type

Public Const LINE_LEN = 256

  cbSize As Long
  DriverType As Long
  Reserved As Long
  Description(LINE_LEN - 1) As Byte ' A-version
  MfgName(LINE_LEN - 1) As Byte ' A-version
  ProviderName(LINE_LEN - 1) As Byte ' A-version
  DriverDate As FILETIME
  DriverVersion(1) As Long 'DWORDLONG -одного Long недостаточно!
End Type

'Public Device Installation Functions

Public Const DI_NEEDREBOOT = &H100
Public Const DI_NEEDRESTART = &H80

Public Declare Function InstallSelectedDriver Lib "newdev.dll" _
 (ByVal hWndParent As Long, ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal Backup As Long, ByRef bReboot As Long) As Boolean

'DriverType - The type of driver list to build.

Public Declare Function SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList Lib "setupapi.dll" _
 (ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByRef DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA, _
 ByVal DriverType As Long) As Boolean

'Device Installation Function Codes
Public Const DIF_REMOVE = &H5

Public Declare Function SetupDiCallClassInstaller Lib "setupapi.dll" _
 (ByVal InstallFunction As Long, _
 ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByRef DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA) As Boolean

'CreationFlags - controls how the device information element is created
Public Const DICD_GENERATE_ID = 1

Public Declare Function SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo _
 Lib "setupapi.dll" Alias "SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoA" _
 (ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByVal DeviceName As String, ByRef ClassGuid As GUID, _
 ByVal DeviceDescription As String, ByVal hWndParent As Long, _
 ByVal CreationFlags As Long, ByRef DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA) As Boolean
Public Declare Function SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList Lib "setupapi.dll" _
 (ByRef ClassGuid As GUID, Optional ByVal hWndParent As Long) As Long
'Scope - where the information is stored. The key created can be global or hardware profile-specific.
Public Const DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL = &H1
'KeyType -The type of registry storage key to create.
Public Const DIREG_DRV = 2

Public Declare Function SetupDiCreateDevRegKey _
 Lib "setupapi.dll" Alias "SetupDiCreateDevRegKeyA" _
 (ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByRef DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA, ByVal Scope As Long, _
 ByVal HwProfile As Long, ByVal KeyType As Long, ByVal InfHandle As Long, _
 ByVal InfSectionName As String) As Long
Public Declare Function SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList Lib "setupapi.dll" _
 (ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long) As Boolean
Public Declare Function SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams _
 Lib "setupapi.dll" Alias "SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsA" _
 (ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByRef DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA, _
 ByRef DeviceInstallParams As SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS) As Boolean
Public Declare Function SetupDiGetINFClass Lib "setupapi.dll" Alias "SetupDiGetINFClassA" _
 (ByVal InfName As String, ByRef ClassGuid As GUID, _
 ByVal ClassName As String, ByVal ClassNameSize As Long, _
 Optional ByRef RequiredSize As Long) As Boolean
Public Declare Function SetupDiGetSelectedDriver _
 Lib "setupapi.dll" Alias "SetupDiGetSelectedDriverA" _
 (ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByRef DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA, ByRef DriverInfoData As SP_DRVINFO_DATA) As Boolean
Public Declare Function SetupDiOpenDevRegKey Lib "setupapi.dll" _
 (ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByRef DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA, ByVal Scope As Long, _
 ByVal HwProfile As Long, ByVal KeyType As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo Lib "setupapi.dll" _
 (ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByRef DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA, ByVal Flags As Long, _
 ByVal CompareProc As Long, ByVal CompareContext As Long, ByRef DupDeviceInfoData As Long) As Boolean 'Optional параметры опускаем
Public Declare Function SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams _
 Lib "setupapi.dll" Alias "SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsA" _
 (ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByRef DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA, _
 ByRef DeviceInstallParams As SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS) As Boolean
'Property - identifies the property to be set
Public Const SPDRP_HARDWAREID = 1 'REG_MULTI_SZ string that contains the list of hardware IDs for a device
Public Declare Function SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty _
 Lib "setupapi.dll" Alias "SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryPropertyA" _
 (ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByRef DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA, ByVal Property As Long, _
 ByVal PropertyBuffer As Long, ByVal PropertyBufferSize As Long) As Boolean
Public Declare Function SetupDiSetSelectedDevice Lib "setupapi.dll" _
 (ByVal DeviceInfoSet As Long, _
 ByRef DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA) As Boolean
'InstallFlags -A caller-supplied value

Public Declare Function UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices _
 Lib "newdev.dll" Alias "UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevicesA" _
 (ByVal hWndParent As Long, ByVal HardwareId As String, _
 ByVal FullInfPath As String, ByVal InstallFlags As Long, _
 Optional ByRef bRebootRequired As Boolean) As Boolean

Public Function InstallModem(ByVal INF_File As String, _
 ByVal COM_Port As String, ByVal Hardware_ID As String, _
 Optional ByRef RebootRequired As Boolean) As Boolean
  'INF_File -путь к inf-файлу (напр. C:\111\mdmgen.inf)
  'COM_Port -порт, на кот. устанавливаем (напр. COM35)
  'Hardware_ID -напр. mdmgen144
  'RebootRequired-возвращается true если нужна перезагрузка
  Dim bResult As Boolean
  Dim m_ClassGUID As GUID
  Dim m_ClassName As String
  Dim ReqSize As Long
  Dim hDeviceInfoSet As Long
  Dim m_DeviceInfoData As SP_DEVINFO_DATA
  Dim bRemove As Boolean
  Dim hKeyDev As Long
  Dim dwRet As Long
  Dim m_DriverInfoData As SP_DRVINFO_DATA
  Dim m_DeviceInstallParams As SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS
  ' Use the INF File to extract the Class GUID
  bResult = SetupDiGetINFClass(INF_File, m_ClassGUID, m_ClassName, 0, ReqSize)
  If (bResult = False) And (Err.LastDllError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) Then
    m_ClassName = String(ReqSize, 0)
    bResult = SetupDiGetINFClass(INF_File, m_ClassGUID, m_ClassName, ReqSize)
    If bResult = False Then
      Debug.Print "SetupDiGetINFClass Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
      Exit Function
      m_ClassName = Left(m_ClassName, InStr(m_ClassName, Chr(0)) - 1)
      Debug.Print "m_ClassName=" & m_ClassName
    End If
    Debug.Print "SetupDiGetINFClass Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    Exit Function
  End If
  ' Create the container for the to-be-created Device Information Element
  hDeviceInfoSet = SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList(m_ClassGUID)
  If hDeviceInfoSet = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then
    Debug.Print "SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    Exit Function
  End If
  Debug.Print "hDeviceInfoSet=" & hDeviceInfoSet
  ' Now create the element. Use the Class GUID and Name from the INF file.
  m_DeviceInfoData.cbSize = LenB(m_DeviceInfoData)
  bResult = SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo(hDeviceInfoSet, m_ClassName, m_ClassGUID, _
   vbNullString, 0&, DICD_GENERATE_ID, m_DeviceInfoData)
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    GoTo Cleanup
  End If
  ' Add the HardwareID to the Device's HardwareID property.
  bResult = SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(hDeviceInfoSet, m_DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID, _
   StrPtr(StrConv(Hardware_ID, vbFromUnicode)), Len(Hardware_ID) + 2)
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    GoTo Cleanup
  End If
  bResult = SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo(hDeviceInfoSet, m_DeviceInfoData, 0&, 0&, 0&, 0&)
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo 1 Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    bRemove = True
    GoTo Cleanup
  End If
  hKeyDev = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(hDeviceInfoSet, m_DeviceInfoData, _
  If (hKeyDev = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Then 'This call fails....
    hKeyDev = SetupDiCreateDevRegKey(hDeviceInfoSet, m_DeviceInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DRV, 0, vbNullString)
      Debug.Print "SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
      bRemove = True
      GoTo Cleanup
    End If
  End If
  Debug.Print "hKeyDev=" & hKeyDev
  dwRet = RegSetValueEx(hKeyDev, "AttachedTo", 0&, REG_SZ, COM_Port, CLng(Len(COM_Port) + 1))
  RegCloseKey hKeyDev
  If dwRet <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then
    Debug.Print "RegSetValueEx Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(dwRet)
    bRemove = True
    GoTo Cleanup
  End If
  bResult = SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo(hDeviceInfoSet, m_DeviceInfoData, 0&, 0&, 0&, 0&)
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo 2 Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    bRemove = True
    GoTo Cleanup
  End If
  ' Install the Driver
  ' http://support.microsoft.com/kb/889763/ru
  ' первая попытка (InstallSelectedDriver) - устанавливаем драйвер только для данного девайса
  ' в m_DeviceInstallParams указываем устанавливать драйвер строго из заданного INF
  ' InstallSelectedDriver works on the selected device and on the
  ' selected driver on that device. Therefore, set this device as the
  ' selected one in the device information list.
  bResult = SetupDiSetSelectedDevice(hDeviceInfoSet, m_DeviceInfoData)
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "SetupDiSetSelectedDevice Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    GoTo ForceInstall
  End If
  ' You now have a SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure
  ' representing your device.  Next, get a SP_DRVINFO_DATA
  ' structure to install on that device.
  m_DeviceInstallParams.cbSize = LenB(m_DeviceInstallParams)
  bResult = SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(hDeviceInfoSet, _
                                       m_DeviceInfoData, _
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    GoTo ForceInstall
  End If

  ' Only build the driver list out of the passed-in INF.
  ' To do this, set the DI_ENUMSINGLEINF flag, and copy the
  ' full path of the INF into the DriverPath field of the
  ' DeviceInstallParams structure.
  m_DeviceInstallParams.Flags = m_DeviceInstallParams.Flags Or DI_ENUMSINGLEINF
  Dim i As Long
  For i = 0 To Len(INF_File) - 1
    m_DeviceInstallParams.DriverPath(i) = Asc(Mid(INF_File, i + 1, 1))
  Next i
  ' Set the DI_FLAGSEX_ALLOWEXCLUDEDDRVS flag so that you can use
  ' this INF even if it is marked as ExcludeFromSelect.
  ' ExcludeFromSelect means do not show the INF in the legacy Add
  ' Hardware Wizard.
  m_DeviceInstallParams.FlagsEx = m_DeviceInstallParams.FlagsEx Or DI_FLAGSEX_ALLOWEXCLUDEDDRVS
  bResult = SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(hDeviceInfoSet, _
                                       m_DeviceInfoData, _
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    GoTo ForceInstall
  End If
  ' Build up a Driver Information List.
  ' Build a compatible driver list, meaning only include the
  ' driver nodes that match one of the hardware or compatible Ids of
  ' the device.
  bResult = SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(hDeviceInfoSet, m_DeviceInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER)
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    GoTo ForceInstall
  End If
  ' Pick the best driver in the list of drivers that was built.
  bResult = SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV, hDeviceInfoSet, m_DeviceInfoData)
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "SetupDiCallClassInstaller Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    GoTo ForceInstall
  End If
  ' Get the selected driver node.
  ' Note: If this list does not contain any drivers, this call
  ' will fail with ERROR_NO_DRIVER_SELECTED.
  m_DriverInfoData.cbSize = LenB(m_DriverInfoData)
  bResult = SetupDiGetSelectedDriver(hDeviceInfoSet, m_DeviceInfoData, m_DriverInfoData)
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "SetupDiGetSelectedDriver Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    GoTo ForceInstall
  End If
  Dim dwRebootRequired As Long
  bResult = InstallSelectedDriver(0, hDeviceInfoSet, 0&, 0&, dwRebootRequired)
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "InstallSelectedDriver Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    GoTo ForceInstall
    If (dwRebootRequired = DI_NEEDREBOOT) Or (dwRebootRequired = DI_NEEDRESTART) Then _
     RebootRequired = True
    InstallModem = True
    Debug.Print "InstallSelectedDriver OK."
    GoTo Cleanup
  End If
  'по сути этот код не нужен
  'используем UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices (также с явным указанием INF-файла)
  'избегаем использовать этот метод, т.к. он обновляет драйвера для всех
  'ранее установленных девайсов с таким же Hardware_ID, в чем нет необходимости
  'чисто для подстраховки, раз уж сделано
  bResult = UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices(0&, Hardware_ID, INF_File, _
   INSTALLFLAG_FORCE, RebootRequired)
  If bResult = False Then
    Debug.Print "UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices Error " & RaiseAPIErrorByNumber(Err.LastDllError)
    bRemove = True
    GoTo Cleanup
    InstallModem = True
    Debug.Print "UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices OK."
    GoTo Cleanup
  End If
  If bRemove Then
    ' Delete Device Instance that was registered using SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo
    ' May through an error if Device not registered -- who cares??
    SetupDiCallClassInstaller DIF_REMOVE, hDeviceInfoSet, m_DeviceInfoData
  End If
  SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList hDeviceInfoSet
End Function

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