Ввод чисел в textbox - VB
Формулировка задачи:
Помогите, пожалуйста.
Хочу создать простой калькулятор, но только в бэйсике, все арифметические функции сделал.
Суть вопроса:
нужно сделать так, чтобы при нажатии допустим на кнопку "7" в текстбокс допустим 1, где находится курсор писалась 7,
а если курсор находится в текстбоксе 2 то 7 писалась там и не где больше
Решение задачи: «Ввод чисел в textbox»
Листинг программы
Option Explicit ' 'Калькулятор (by the fever.brain 2017) ' Const r = 90, m = "_" Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32.dll" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long Dim WithEvents cbx As ComboBox, WithEvents txb As TextBox, WithEvents but As CommandButton Dim i&, j&, ii&, l&, t&, w&, h&, x&, y&, s$, u$, v, sz&(1), Script As Object, pic As PictureBox Sub EnCode() Dim b() As Byte, i&, f$, h$(): ReDim h$(1): On Error Resume Next: ChDir App.Path: If Len(Dir("41.ico")) > 0 Then Exit Sub h(0) = "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" h(1) = "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" h(0) = Join(h, vbNullString): ReDim b(Len(h(0)) / 2 - 1): For i = 0 To UBound(b): b(i) = CLng("&H" & Mid$(h(0), i * 2 + 1, 2)): Next: Erase h: f = "tmpEnCoderArc.rar": i = FreeFile Open f$ For Binary As #i: Put #i, 1, b: Close #i: Call CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("WinRAR x -y """ & f & "", 1, True): Kill f End Sub Sub ApplylProp(Optional ByVal Caption$, _ Optional ByVal Icon$, _ Optional ByVal BorderStyle& = 1, _ Optional ByVal MaxButton As Boolean = 0, _ Optional ByVal CenterScreen As Boolean = 1, _ Optional ByVal Align As Boolean = 1) With Me If BorderStyle Then .BorderStyle = BorderStyle If Align Then For Each v In Controls If v.Left + v.Width > sz(0) Then sz(0) = v.Left + v.Width If v.Top + v.Height > sz(1) Then sz(1) = v.Top + v.Height Next: .Move .Left, .Top, sz(0) + (.Width - .ScaleWidth) + r, sz(1) + (.Height - .ScaleHeight) + r End If If CenterScreen Then .Move (Screen.Width - .Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - .Height) / 2 If Len(Caption) Then .Caption = Caption If Len(Icon) Then Set .Icon = LoadPicture(Icon): For i = 0 To 1: Call SendMessage(hwnd, &H80, i, ByVal .Icon.Handle): Next If Not MaxButton Then SetWindowLong hwnd, -16, GetWindowLong(hwnd, -16) And Not &H10000 End With End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Def l, r, t, r, w, r * 31, h, r * 3, x, Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, y, Screen.TwipsPerPixelY Set cbx = Controls.Add("vb.ComboBox", "cbx"): With cbx .Move l, t, w .Visible = 1 End With Set txb = Controls.Add("vb.textbox", "txb"): With txb .Move l + x, t + y, w - r * 3 - x * 2, h: t = t + .Height + r .ZOrder 0: .Text = 0: .BorderStyle = 0: .Visible = 1 End With Def l, r, w, r * 6, h, r * 4, ii, 0, s, "123=C456+-789*/,0^()", v, Split("sin cos tan sqr abs atn exp log rnd und") For i = 1 To 6: If i = 5 Then t = t + r For j = 1 To 5 With Controls.Add("vb.CommandButton", "but" & ii) If j = 4 Then l = l + r .Move l, t, w, h: Def l, l + w, ii, ii + 1 .FontBold = 1 If i < 5 Then .Caption = Mid$(s, ii, 1) Else .Caption = v(ii - 21) .Visible = 1 End With Next: Def l, r, t, t + h: Next Set Script = CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl"): Script.Language = "VBScript" Call EnCode: ApplylProp "Калькулятор", "41.ico" End Sub Private Sub but_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ii = txb.SelStart If Mid$(but.Caption, 1, 1) Like "[a-z]" Then txb.SelText = but.Caption & "(": ii = ii + 1 Else txb.SelText = but.Caption txb.SelStart = ii + Len(but.Caption) End Sub Private Sub txb_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If KeyAscii = 13 Then KeyAscii = 0: txb.Text = txb.Text & "=" End Sub Private Sub cbx_Click() With txb: .Text = cbx.Text: .SelStart = Len(.Text): End With End Sub Private Sub txb_Change() With txb On Error Resume Next s = .Text:: If Len(u) = 0 Then u = s If InStr(1, s, "=") > 0 Then s = Replace(Replace(Replace(s, " ", ""), "=", ""), ",", "."): u = s s = Script.eval(s) If Err Then MsgBox Err.Description & vbLf & Err.Number Else cbx.AddItem s, 0 .Text = s ElseIf InStr(1, s, "C") Then u = Replace(s, "C", "") .Text = 0 ElseIf InStr(1, s, "u", 1) Then .Text = u End If If Len(s) > 1 Then If Mid$(s, 1, 1) = "0" And IsNumeric(Mid$(s, 2, 1)) Or IsNumeric(Mid$(s, 1, 1)) And Mid$(s, 2, 1) Like "[a-z]" Then .Text = Mid$(s, 2) .SelStart = Len(s) End With End Sub Sub Def(ParamArray w()): Dim i&: For i = 0 To UBound(w) Step 2: w(i) = w(i + 1): Next: End Sub Sub Pro(ByVal typ&, ByVal val, ParamArray w()): Dim i&: For i = 0 To UBound(w): CallByName Controls(w(i)), Choose(typ, "enabled", "caption", "text"), 4, val: Next: End Sub Private Sub but_LostFocus(): On Error Resume Next: Set but = ActiveControl: End Sub Private Sub cbx_LostFocus(): but_LostFocus: End Sub Private Sub txb_LostFocus(): but_LostFocus: End Sub
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