Абстрактный класс Figure - C#
Формулировка задачи:
/* 1.Создать абстрактный класс Figure с методами вычисления площади и периметра, а также методом, выводящим информацию о фигуре на экран. 2.Создать производные классы: Rectangle (прямоугольник), Circle (круг), Triangle (треугольник) со своими методами вычисления площади и периметра. 3.Создать массив n фигур и вывести полную информацию о фигурах на экран. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace prakt_10 { abstract public class Figure { abstract public double Area(); // get area abstract public double Perimeter(); //get perimetr abstract public void Show(); //show information } class Trangle : Figure { private readonly string name = "Trangle"; private int x1, y1; private int x2, y2; private int x3, y3; public Trangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3) { this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2; this.x3 = x3; this.y3 = y3; } public int lengthSegment(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { return ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); } public override double Area() { int segment1 = lengthSegment(this.x2, this.x1, this.y1, this.y2); int segment2 = lengthSegment(this.x3, this.x2, this.y3, this.y2); int segment3 = lengthSegment(this.x1, this.x3, this.y1, this.y3); double pPerimetr = segment3 + segment1 + segment2; return pPerimetr * Math.Sqrt((pPerimetr - segment1) * (pPerimetr - segment2) * (pPerimetr - segment3)); } public override double Perimeter() { int segment1 = lengthSegment(this.x2, this.x1, this.y1, this.y2); int segment2 = lengthSegment(this.x3, this.x2, this.y3, this.y2); int segment3 = lengthSegment(this.x1, this.x3, this.y1, this.y3); return segment2 + segment1 + segment3; } public override void Show() { Console.WriteLine("Name figure:{0}", this.name); Console.WriteLine("Point coordinates:"); Console.WriteLine("Point 1: ({0};{1})", this.x1, this.y1); Console.WriteLine("Point 2: ({0};{1})", this.x2, this.y2); Console.WriteLine("Point 3: ({0};{1})", this.x3, this.y3); Console.WriteLine("Length of a segment: {0}, {1}, {2}, area: {3}, perimetr: {4}", this.lengthSegment(this.x2, this.x1, this.y1, this.y2), this.lengthSegment(this.x3, this.x2, this.y3, this.y2), this.lengthSegment(this.x1, this.x3, this.y1, this.y3), this.Area(), this.Perimeter()); } } class Rectangle : Figure { private readonly string name = "Rectangle"; private int x1, y1; private int x2, y2; private int x3, y3; private int x4, y4; public Rectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4) { this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2; this.x3 = x3; this.y3 = y3; this.x4 = x4; this.y4 = y4; } public int lengthSegment(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { return ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); } public override double Area() { int segment1 = lengthSegment(this.x2, this.x1, this.y1, this.y2); int segment2 = lengthSegment(this.x3, this.x2, this.y3, this.y2); return (segment2 * segment1); } public override double Perimeter() { int segment1 = lengthSegment(this.x2, this.x1, this.y1, this.y2); int segment2 = lengthSegment(this.x3, this.x2, this.y3, this.y2); return ((segment2 + segment1) * 2); } public override void Show() { Console.WriteLine("Name figure:{0}", this.name); Console.WriteLine("Point coordinates:"); Console.WriteLine("Point 1: ({0};{1})", this.x1, this.y1); Console.WriteLine("Point 2: ({0};{1})", this.x2, this.y2); Console.WriteLine("Point 3: ({0};{1})", this.x3, this.y3); Console.WriteLine("Point 4: ({0};{1})", this.x4, this.y4); Console.WriteLine("Length of a segment: length {0}, width: {1}, area: {2}, perimetr: {3}", this.lengthSegment(this.x2, this.x1, this.y1, this.y2), this.lengthSegment(this.x3, this.x2, this.y3, this.y2), this.Area(), this.Perimeter()); } } class Circle : Figure { private readonly string name = "Circle"; private int x, y; private double radius; public Circle(int x, int y, int radius) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.radius = radius; } public override double Area() { return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius; } public override double Perimeter() { return Math.PI * this.radius * 2; } public override void Show() { Console.WriteLine("Name figure:{0}", this.name); Console.WriteLine("Point coordinates:"); Console.WriteLine("Point: ({0};{1})", this.x, this.y); Console.WriteLine("Area: {0}, perimetr: {1}", this.Area(), this.Perimeter()); } } class Programm { static void Main(string[] args) { int x1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int y1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int x2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int y2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int x3 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int y3 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int x4 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int y4 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Rectangle R1 = new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4); R1.Show(); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
Решение задачи: «Абстрактный класс Figure»
Листинг программы
//Так как нужно вычислять Периметр, входные данные Для треугольника являются его сторонами using System; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { public abstract class Figure { double pri_width; double pri_height; double pri_length; public double Width { get { return pri_width; } set { pri_width = value < 0 ? -value : value; } } public double Height { get { return pri_height; } set { pri_height = value < 0 ? -value : value; } } public double Length { get { return pri_length; } set { pri_length = value < 0 ? -value : value; } } public string name { get; set; } public Figure() //Конструктор по умолчанию { Width = Height = Length = 0.0; name = "null"; } public Figure(double x, string n) //Конструктор для круга, квадрата и равностороннего треугольника { Width = Height = Length = x; name = n; } public Figure(double x, double y, string n) // Равнобедренный треугольник и прямоугольник { Width = x; Height = y; Length = Width; name = n; } public Figure(double x, double y, double z, string n) // треугольник { Width = x; Height = y; Length = z; name = n; } public abstract double Area(); public abstract double Perimeter(); public abstract string ShowStyle(); }
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