Перекод кода игры Покер с С++ на C#
Формулировка задачи:
Я разрабатываю (громко сказано) свою карточную игру покер. В интернете нашёл код этой игры на С++ для консоли. Помогите пожалуйста перевести его на C#. С уважением. Код поделён на два поста, так как слишком большой.
Часть 1.
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; string suits[4]; string ranks[13]; class Card { public: int suit; int rank; }; int compareCards(const void *card1, const void *card2) { return (*(Card *)card1).rank - (*(Card *)card2).rank; } class Deck { public: Deck() { for (int i = 0;i<4;i++) { for (int j = 0;j<13;j++) { cards[i * 13 + j].suit = i; cards[i * 13 + j].rank = j; } } suits[0] = "D"; suits[1] = "S"; suits[2] = "H"; suits[3] = "C"; ranks[0] = "2"; ranks[1] = "3"; ranks[2] = "4"; ranks[3] = "5"; ranks[4] = "6"; ranks[5] = "7"; ranks[6] = "8"; ranks[7] = "9"; ranks[8] = "T"; ranks[9] = "J"; ranks[10] = "Q"; ranks[11] = "K"; ranks[12] = "A"; } void print() { cout << "Printing the deck..." << endl; for (int i = 0;i<52;i++) cout << ranks[cards[i].rank] << suits[cards[i].suit] << endl; cout << endl; } void shuffle() { top = 51; int x; Card tempCard; for (int i = 0;i<4;i++) { for (int j = 0;j<13;j++) { cards[i * 13 + j].suit = i; cards[i * 13 + j].rank = j; } } cout << "Shuffling the cards and dealing..." << endl << endl; for (int i = 0;i<52;i++) { x = rand() % 52; tempCard = cards[i]; cards[i] = cards[x]; cards[x] = tempCard; } } Card hitme() { top--; return cards[top + 1]; } private: int top; Card cards[52]; }; class Player { public: string name; int money; Card cards[2]; int playing; int round; int goodToGo; }; class PokerGame { public: void start(string name) { for (int i = 0;i < 6; i++) { players[i].money = 1000; players[i].playing = 1; } players[0].name = "Carlos"; players[1].name = "Carla"; players[2].name = "Nick"; players[3].name = "Lisa"; players[4].name = name; players[5].name = "Soarez"; startGame(); } void deal() { for (int i = 0;i<6;i++) { for (int j = 0;j<2;j++) { if (players[i].playing) { players[i].cards[j] = deck1.hitme(); } } } for (int i = 0;i<5;i++) tableCards[i].rank = -1; } void flop() { for (int i = 0;i<3;i++) tableCards[i] = deck1.hitme(); } void turn() { tableCards[3] = deck1.hitme(); } void river() { tableCards[4] = deck1.hitme(); } void printTable() { cout << " " << ((players[0].playing) ? (players[0].name) : " ") << " " << ((players[1].playing) ? (players[1].name) : " ") << " " << ((players[2].playing) ? (players[2].name) : " ") << endl; cout << " $" << setw(4) << ((players[0].playing) ? (players[0].money) : 0) << " $" << setw(4) << ((players[1].playing) ? (players[1].money) : 0) << " $" << setw(4) << ((players[2].playing) ? (players[2].money) : 0) << endl; cout << " _____________________________" << endl; cout << " / " << ((bind == 0) ? "@" : " ") << " " << ((bind == 1) ? "@" : " ") << " " << ((bind == 2) ? "@" : " ") << " " << endl; cout << " / ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ " << endl; cout << " | | " << ((tableCards[0].rank) >= 0 ? ranks[tableCards[0].rank] : " ") << " | | " << ((tableCards[1].rank) >= 0 ? ranks[tableCards[1].rank] : " ") << " | | " << ((tableCards[2].rank) >= 0 ? ranks[tableCards[2].rank] : " ") << " | | " << ((tableCards[3].rank) >= 0 ? ranks[tableCards[3].rank] : " ") << " | | " << ((tableCards[4].rank) >= 0 ? ranks[tableCards[4].rank] : " ") << " | |" << endl; cout << " | | " << ((tableCards[0].rank) >= 0 ? suits[tableCards[0].suit] : " ") << " | | " << ((tableCards[1].rank) >= 0 ? suits[tableCards[1].suit] : " ") << " | | " << ((tableCards[2].rank) >= 0 ? suits[tableCards[2].suit] : " ") << " | | " << ((tableCards[3].rank) >= 0 ? suits[tableCards[3].suit] : " ") << " | | " << ((tableCards[4].rank) >= 0 ? suits[tableCards[4].suit] : " ") << " | |" << endl; cout << " | |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |" << endl; cout << " | |" << endl; cout << " | Pot = $" << setw(4) << pot << " |" << endl; cout << " \\ /" << endl; cout << " \\_" << ((bind == 5) ? "@" : "_") << "_____________" << ((bind == 4) ? "@" : "_") << "___________" << ((bind == 3) ? "@" : "_") << "_/" << endl; cout << endl; cout << " " << ((players[5].playing) ? (players[5].name) : " ") << " " << ((players[4].playing) ? (players[4].name) : " ") << " " << ((players[3].playing) ? (players[3].name) : " ") << endl; cout << " $" << setw(4) << ((players[5].playing) ? (players[5].money) : 0) << " $" << setw(4) << ((players[4].playing) ? (players[4].money) : 0) << " $" << setw(4) << ((players[3].playing) ? (players[3].money) : 0) << endl; cout << endl; if (players[4].round) { cout << " Your hand:" << endl; cout << " ___ ___" << endl; cout << " | " << ranks[players[4].cards[0].rank] << " | | " << ranks[players[4].cards[1].rank] << " |" << endl; cout << " | " << suits[players[4].cards[0].suit] << " | | " << suits[players[4].cards[1].suit] << " |" << endl; cout << " |___| |___|" << endl << endl; } } private: Player players[6]; Deck deck1; int bind; Card tableCards[5]; int pot, action, bet, rational, betOn, winner, maxPoints, roundWinner; int handPoints[6]; int bestHand[6][3]; int playersLeft() { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (players[i].money>0) count++; return count; } int computerAction(int playerNum) { if (players[playerNum].cards[0].rank < 8 && players[playerNum].cards[1].rank < 8) { if (players[playerNum].cards[0].rank != players[playerNum].cards[1].rank) return 0; else return 1; } else if (players[playerNum].cards[0].rank < 10 && players[playerNum].cards[1].rank < 10) { if (players[playerNum].cards[0].rank != players[playerNum].cards[1].rank) return 1; else return 2; } else { return 2; } } /*checks if someone still got bet/call*/ int playersToBet() { for (int i = 0;i<6;i++) if (players[i].round == 1 && players[i].goodToGo == 0) return 1; return 0; } void takeBets() { betOn = 0; for (int k = 0;k<6;k++) players[k].goodToGo = 0; for (int k = bind + 1;k<bind + 7;k++) { /* human player actions */ if (k % 6 == 4 && players[4].round) { if (betOn) { cout << "Your action: (1) FLOP (3) BET/CALL "; cin >> action; while (action != 1 && action != 3) { cout << "Invalid number pressed." << endl; cout << "Your action: (1) FLOP (3) BET/CALL "; cin >> action; } } else { cout << "Your action: (1) FLOP (2) CHECK (3) BET/CALL "; cin >> action; while (action<1 || action>3) { cout << "Invalid number pressed." << endl; cout << "Your action: (1) FLOP (2) CHECK (3) BET/CALL "; cin >> action; } } cout << endl; if (action == 1) players[4].round = 0; else if (action == 2) continue; else { if (betOn) { pot += betOn; players[4].money -= betOn; players[4].goodToGo = 1; } else { cout << "How much do you want to bet: "; cin >> bet; while (bet>players[4].money || bet<1) { cout << "Invalid number to bet." << endl; cout << "How much do you want to bet: "; cin >> bet; cout << endl << endl; } pot += bet; players[4].money -= bet; betOn = bet; players[4].goodToGo = 1; } } } // РАЗДЕЛЕНИЕ
Решение задачи: «Перекод кода игры Покер с С++ на C#»
Листинг программы
class Deck { private Card[] cards = new Card[52]; public Deck() { for (int a = 0; a < 13; a++) { for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++) { cards[a * 13 + b].Rank = a; cards[a * 13 + b].Suit = b; } } } }
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