Ping через заданное устройство - C#
Формулировка задачи:
У меня два интернета. Один через роутер, другой через usb.
Использую пинг для проверки соединения.
Проблема в том, что не знаю как отправить пинг через нужное мне устройство.
Допустим интернет в данный момент работает через роутер, а мне нужно проверить его через модем или наоборот.
public static bool Ping() { var status = IPStatus.Unknown; var ip = ""; PingReply pr = new Ping().Send(@ip); if (status == IPStatus.Success) return true; // интернет есть return false; // интернета нет }
Решение задачи: «Ping через заданное устройство»
Листинг программы
public static PingReply Send(IPAddress srcAddress, IPAddress destAddress, int timeout = 5000, byte[] buffer = null, PingOptions po = null) { if (destAddress == null || destAddress.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork || destAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any)) throw new ArgumentException(); //Defining pinvoke args var source = srcAddress == null ? 0 : BitConverter.ToUInt32(srcAddress.GetAddressBytes(), 0); var destination = BitConverter.ToUInt32(destAddress.GetAddressBytes(), 0); var sendbuffer = buffer ?? new byte[] {}; var options = new Interop.Option { Ttl = (po == null ? (byte) 255 : (byte) po.Ttl), Flags = (po == null ? (byte) 0 : po.DontFragment ? (byte) 0x02 : (byte) 0) //0x02 }; var fullReplyBufferSize = Interop.ReplyMarshalLength + sendbuffer.Length; //Size of Reply struct and the transmitted buffer length. var allocSpace = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(fullReplyBufferSize); // unmanaged allocation of reply size. TODO Maybe should be allocated on stack try { DateTime start = DateTime.Now; var nativeCode = Interop.IcmpSendEcho2Ex( Interop.IcmpHandle, //_In_ HANDLE IcmpHandle, default(IntPtr), //_In_opt_ HANDLE Event, default(IntPtr), //_In_opt_ PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine, default(IntPtr), //_In_opt_ PVOID ApcContext source, //_In_ IPAddr SourceAddress, destination, //_In_ IPAddr DestinationAddress, sendbuffer, //_In_ LPVOID RequestData, (short) sendbuffer.Length, //_In_ WORD RequestSize, ref options, //_In_opt_ PIP_OPTION_INFORMATION RequestOptions, allocSpace, //_Out_ LPVOID ReplyBuffer, fullReplyBufferSize, //_In_ DWORD ReplySize, timeout //_In_ DWORD Timeout ); TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - start; var reply = (Interop.Reply) Marshal.PtrToStructure(allocSpace, typeof (Interop.Reply)); // Parse the beginning of reply memory to reply struct byte[] replyBuffer = null; if (sendbuffer.Length != 0) { replyBuffer = new byte[sendbuffer.Length]; Marshal.Copy(allocSpace + Interop.ReplyMarshalLength, replyBuffer, 0, sendbuffer.Length); //copy the rest of the reply memory to managed byte[] } if (nativeCode == 0) //Means that native method is faulted. return new PingReply(nativeCode, reply.Status, new IPAddress(reply.Address), duration); else return new PingReply(nativeCode, reply.Status, new IPAddress(reply.Address), reply.RoundTripTime, replyBuffer); } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(allocSpace); //free allocated space } } /// <summary>Interoperability Helper /// <see cref="" /> /// </summary> private static class Interop { private static IntPtr? icmpHandle; private static int? _replyStructLength; /// <summary>Returns the application legal icmp handle. Should be close by IcmpCloseHandle /// <see cref="" /> /// </summary> public static IntPtr IcmpHandle { get { if (icmpHandle == null) { icmpHandle = IcmpCreateFile(); //TODO Close Icmp Handle appropiate } return icmpHandle.GetValueOrDefault(); } } /// <summary>Returns the the marshaled size of the reply struct.</summary> public static int ReplyMarshalLength { get { if (_replyStructLength == null) { _replyStructLength = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof (Reply)); } return _replyStructLength.GetValueOrDefault(); } } [DllImport("Iphlpapi.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern IntPtr IcmpCreateFile(); [DllImport("Iphlpapi.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern bool IcmpCloseHandle(IntPtr handle); [DllImport("Iphlpapi.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern uint IcmpSendEcho2Ex(IntPtr icmpHandle, IntPtr Event, IntPtr apcroutine, IntPtr apccontext, UInt32 sourceAddress, UInt32 destinationAddress, byte[] requestData, short requestSize, ref Option requestOptions, IntPtr replyBuffer, int replySize, int timeout); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public struct Option { public byte Ttl; public readonly byte Tos; public byte Flags; public readonly byte OptionsSize; public readonly IntPtr OptionsData; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public struct Reply { public readonly UInt32 Address; public readonly int Status; public readonly int RoundTripTime; public readonly short DataSize; public readonly short Reserved; public readonly IntPtr DataPtr; public readonly Option Options; } } [Serializable] public class PingReply { private readonly byte[] _buffer = null; private readonly IPAddress _ipAddress = null; private readonly uint _nativeCode = 0; private readonly TimeSpan _roundTripTime = TimeSpan.Zero; private readonly IPStatus _status = IPStatus.Unknown; private Win32Exception _exception; internal PingReply(uint nativeCode, int replystatus, IPAddress ipAddress, TimeSpan duration) { _nativeCode = nativeCode; _ipAddress = ipAddress; if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof (IPStatus), replystatus)) _status = (IPStatus) replystatus; } internal PingReply(uint nativeCode, int replystatus, IPAddress ipAddress, int roundTripTime, byte[] buffer) { _nativeCode = nativeCode; _ipAddress = ipAddress; _roundTripTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(roundTripTime); _buffer = buffer; if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof (IPStatus), replystatus)) _status = (IPStatus) replystatus; } /// <summary>Native result from <code>IcmpSendEcho2Ex</code>.</summary> public uint NativeCode { get { return _nativeCode; } } public IPStatus Status { get { return _status; } } /// <summary>The source address of the reply.</summary> public IPAddress IpAddress { get { return _ipAddress; } } public byte[] Buffer { get { return _buffer; } } public TimeSpan RoundTripTime { get { return _roundTripTime; } } /// <summary>Resolves the <code>Win32Exception</code> from native code</summary> public Win32Exception Exception { get { if (Status != IPStatus.Success) return _exception ?? (_exception = new Win32Exception((int) NativeCode, Status.ToString())); else return null; } } public override string ToString() { if (Status == IPStatus.Success) return Status + " from " + IpAddress + " in " + RoundTripTime + " ms with " + Buffer.Length + " bytes"; else if (Status != IPStatus.Unknown) return Status + " from " + IpAddress; else return Exception.Message + " from " + IpAddress; } }
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