Нужно написать программу которая сохраняет данные dat.file - C (СИ)

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Нужно написать программу которая сохраняет данные dat.file Почему не создает "dat.file"! где ошибка? есть идеи? Program Descripption: Create a program to manage a employee database (on a single data file). The program will display a menu in a loop (accepting 1:5 as values) which allows the user to: 1. Add Employee 2. Delete Employee 3. List Employees 4. Compact Records 5. Exit*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define FIRST_NAME_LENGTH 31 #define SECOND_NAME_LENGTH 51 #define NUMBER_LENGTH 21 #define ADDRESS 26 #define CODE 10 #define DURATION 2 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 /* Structure defining a name */ struct Name { char firstname[FIRST_NAME_LENGTH]; char secondname[SECOND_NAME_LENGTH]; char address[ADDRESS]; char department_code[CODE]; char duration[DURATION]; }; /* Structure defining a phone record */ struct Employee_number { struct Name name; char Employeenumber[NUMBER_LENGTH]; }; /* Function prototypes */ struct Employee_number read_phonerecord(); /* Read a name and number from the keyboard */ struct Name read_name(); /* Read a name from the keyboard */ void show_record(struct Employee_number record); /* Output name and number from a phone record */ struct Employee_number find_numbers(struct Name name); /* Find numbers corresponding to a given name */ void add_record(); /* Add a new name and number */ void delete_records(struct Name name); /* Delete records for a given name */ void list_records(); /* List all the records in the file */ void show_operations(); /* Displays operations supported by the program */ int equals(struct Name name1, struct Name name2); /* Compare two names for equality */ /* Global variables */ FILE *pFile = NULL; /* File pointer */ char *employee = "C:\\employee.dat"; /* Name of the file holding the records */ char answer = 'n'; /* Stores input responses */ void main() { show_operations(); /* Display the available operations */ for(; { printf("\nEnter a number to select an operation: "); scanf(" %c", &answer); switch(answer) { case '1': /* Add a new name and number record */ add_record(); break; case '2': /* Delete records for a given name */ delete_records(read_name()); break; case '3': /* List all the name/number records */ list_records(); break; case '4': /* Find the numbers for a given name */ find_numbers(read_name()); break; case '5': /* Quit the program */ return; default: printf("\nInvalid selection try again."); show_operations(); break; } } } /* Reads a name and number from the keyboard and creates a PhoneRecord structure */ struct Employee_number read_phonerecord() { struct Employee_number record; record.name = read_name(); printf("Enter the number: "); scanf(" %[ 0123456789]",record.Employeenumber); /* Read the number - including spaces */ return record; } /* Outputs the name and number from a phone record */ void show_record(struct Employee_number record) { printf("\n%s %s %s %s %s %s ", record.name.firstname,record.name.secondname, record.Employeenumber,record.name.address, record.name.department_code,record.name.duration); } /* Add a new name and number */ void add_record() { struct Employee_number record; if((pFile = fopen(employee, "a+")) == NULL) /* Open/create file to be written in append mode */ { printf("Error opening %s for writing. Program terminated.", employee); } record = read_phonerecord(); /* Read the name and number */ fwrite(&record, sizeof record, 1, pFile); fclose(pFile); /* Close file */ printf("\nNew record added."); } /* Read a name from the keyboard and create a Name structure for it */ struct Name read_name() { struct Name name; printf("Enter a first name: "); scanf(" %s", name.firstname); printf("Enter a second name: "); scanf(" %s", name.secondname); printf("Enter a address: "); scanf("%s",name.address); return name; } /* Delete records for a given name */ /* To delete one or more records we can copy the contents of the existing file to a new file, omitting the records that are to be deleted. We can then delete the old file and rename the new file to have the old file name. */ void delete_records(struct Name name) { FILE *pNewFile = NULL; char *pnewfilename = NULL; struct Employee_number record; if((pFile = fopen(employee, "r")) == NULL) /* Open current file to read it */ { printf("Error opening %s for reading. Program terminated.", employee); } pnewfilename = tmpnam(NULL); /* Create temporary file name */ if((pNewFile = fopen(pnewfilename, "w")) == NULL) /* Open temporary file to write it */ { printf("Error opening %s for writing. Program terminated.", pnewfilename); fclose(pFile); } /* Copy existing file contents to temporary file, omitting deleted records */ for(; { fread(&record, sizeof record, 1, pFile); /* Read a record */ if(pFile) /* End of file read ? */ break; /* Yes-quit copy loop */ if(equals(name, record.name)) /* Is the record this name ? */ { printf("\nFound a record:"); /* Ys, so it's a delete candidate */ show_record(record); printf("\nDo you really want to delete it(y or n)? "); scanf(" %c", &answer); if((answer) == 'y') /* If it's to be deleted */ continue; /* Skip the copying */ } fwrite(&record, sizeof record, 1, pNewFile); /* copy current record */ } fclose(pFile); fclose(pNewFile); if((pNewFile = fopen(pnewfilename, "r")) == NULL) /* Open temporary file to read it */ { printf("Error opening %s for reading. Program terminated.", pnewfilename); } if((pFile = fopen(employee, "w"))==NULL) /* Open original file to write it */ { printf("Error opening %s for writing. Program terminated.", employee); } /* Copy contents of new temporary file back to old file */ /* This overwrites the original contents because the mode is "w" */ for(; { fread(&record, sizeof record, 1, pNewFile); /* Read temporary file */ if(pNewFile) /* If we read EOF */ break; /* We are done */ fwrite(&record, sizeof record, 1, pFile); /* Write record to original file */ } fclose(pFile); /* Close the original file */ fclose(pNewFile); /* Close the temporary file */ remove(pnewfilename); /* Delete the temporary file */ printf("Delete complete."); } /* List all the records in the file */ void list_records() { struct Employee_number record; int file_empty = TRUE; /* File empty flag */ if((pFile = fopen(employee, "r")) == NULL) /* Open the file to read it */ { printf("Error opening %s for reading. Program terminated.", employee); } /* List the file contents */ for(; { fread(&record, sizeof record, 1, pFile); if(pFile) break; file_empty = FALSE; /* We got a record so set empty flag false */ show_record(record); /* output the record */ } fclose(pFile); /* Close the file */ /* Check whether there were any records */ if(file_empty) printf("The file contains no records.\n"); else printf("\n"); } /* Displays the operations that are supported by the program */ void show_operations() { printf("The operations available are:" "\n1: Add Employee." "\n2: Delete Employee." "\n3: List Employee." "\n4: Compact Records." "\n5: Exit."); } /* Find numbers corresponding to a given name */ struct Employee_number find_numbers(struct Name name) { struct Employee_number record; int name_found = FALSE; /* Name found flag */ if((pFile = fopen(employee, "r")) == NULL) /* Open the file to read it */ { printf("Error opening %s for reading. Program terminated.", employee); } /* Search the records read from the file */ for(; { fread(&record, sizeof record, 1, pFile); /* Read a record */ if(pFile) break; if(equals(name,record.name)) /* Is it the name requested? */ { if(!name_found) /* Is this the first time we found it? */ { name_found = TRUE; /* Yes so set flag to true */ printf("The numbers for this name are:"); /* Output initial message */ } printf("\n%s",record.Employeenumber); /* Output the number */ } } fclose(pFile); /* Close the file */ /* Check for name not found */ if(!name_found) printf("The name was not found.\n"); else printf("\n"); } /* Compare two names for equality */ int equals(struct Name name1, struct Name name2) { return (strcmp(name1.firstname, name2.firstname)==0) && (strcmp(name1.secondname, name2.secondname)==0); }

Решение задачи: «Нужно написать программу которая сохраняет данные dat.file»

Листинг программы
char *employee = "C:\\employee.dat"; /* Name of the file holding the records */

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